Your Name: Alex Ruston
Consultant: Mary Andrews
Date of Consultation: 6/10/23
Programme: new career 20s
Age: 22
How valuable was the Career Analysts experience in helping you create a framework within which to make career decisions?
Please explain
It gave me a guide using what i am interested in and good at to look into a few different career paths i could go for. The career paths that were presented to me made sense and seemed like realistic options that I could follow.
How satisfied were you with your consultant?
Please explain
Mary was able to explain my results very well and it was easy to understand. She also listened to what I had to say and had an understanding of my thought process and what i was interested in as well as how my qualities could be suited for certain jobs. The report I got made sense considering what was discussed and overall I was very pleased with the process.
How satisfied were you with your report?
Please explain
The report was good at taking me through the results of the tests I had done and what the results mean for me. It also summarised what was talked about in the consultation well. It was helpful to see the different career ideas as well as links for where I can further explore these careers and general help I can use.
How valuable was the Career Analysts experience in helping you to understand yourself better?
Please explain
This helped reaffirm some things I already thought about myself but also gave me a different perspective of myself. Some of the results surprised me more than others. This process also made me think about my qualitites and how i work as well.
What were your reasons for coming to Career Analysts?
Totally lost about career path
Which aspects did you find particularly useful?
The consultation was great for running me through my results and going through different career options. This particular part of the process was very productive and useful for me.
What aspect, if any, could be improved?
This experience was better than I expected and so i dont have any areas for improvement