Careers Advice to Help you
Find the Right Career
Since 1965 we have offered our careers advice service to teenagers, twenty somethings and those over thirty. These days, most people choose to have their consultations using Zoom or Teams, so it doesn’t matter where you are. Our careers advisors will help you to figure out what career is right for you.
Our comprehensive careers advice programme includes:
- An in-depth psychometric assessment consisting of 5 hours of online career tests. We need to go into this much depth because we need to dig deep down into you. Once we know about you, then we can match you up with the best career path for YOU.
- Expert analysis of the psychometric results by a qualified Occupational Psychologist.
- A one-to-one career consultation with your careers guidance counsellor to discuss the results. The aim here is to identify what career is right for you.
- A report written by your career adviser (not computer-generated) detailing the results and our recommendations for your ideal career.