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I’m writing to say how impressed we were with your career guidance for my daughter Lainey, and to request your assistance with our younger daughter Gabriella. She is nearly 14 and has to choose her GCSE subjects but is really struggling - she’s only got three option slots but wants to do six subjects, which school will not allow her to do. She’s getting 8s and 9s for every subject (apart from PE, which I’m not bothered about! ) and she would really appreciate some help in choosing her direction of study. Can you help?


Please can you let her know that it proved to be money very well spent! The analysis (interest in Social Services) opened up possibilities for university degrees and suggested that she studied Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE). She’d never heard of such a degree. Your analysis & report opened up the possibilities.

PPE appealed. She applied to a few top universities, & after an entrance exam and interview has now been offered a conditional place to study PPE at Christchurch College, Oxford University.

For the first time in her life she’s proud of herself! Remarkable really.

So thank you.

Sherridan Hughes produced the report and feedback discussion for my daughter.

"The best parts were finding out about my strengths and weaknesses and the analysts if my personality helped me to find out what I might find fulfilling/rewarding out of a career. Also the recommendations of career paths and just parts where it was recognised whether or not a certain aspect of a career would suit me, e.g working in a team."


"The process helped me to understand my strengths and where my areas of interests lie. I feel like I have a better vision of what career I want to go into. Leo took the time to help me out and was very patient when dealing with me. The programme was structured well. Although it was quite challenging I felt as though I benefited from it. The report helped me to gain a better and more solid understanding of my career pathway. I understood through this programme how I could utilise my strengths to serve a purpose. I feel it is better to follow your intuition than follow a course of action you are not familiar with. I found that working with the psychologist helped me to gain a different perspective on work. The experience also caused me to change my opinion on my career options."

OliverAge: 19

I’m writing to say how impressed we were with your career guidance for my daughter, and to request your assistance with our younger daughter. She’s getting 8s and 9s for every subject (apart from PE, which I’m not bothered about! ) and she would really appreciate some help in choosing her direction of study. Can you help?

Hi, I'm sorting out papers and I re-read my report from Career Analysts from 1993, by Alexis Hallam. She really got me! I'm absolutely full of amazement about how accurate her assessment was in terms of my work needs and personality. I now have my dream job teaching psychology part time at a school in Bath, three gorgeous children and good self-esteem! With thanks and appreciation (I didn't believe in myself back in 1993).

CharlotteThen A Teenager

Hi Leo,

I'm not sure if this will reach you after all these years, but worth a try!

I just wanted to say how accurate Lily's report and recommendation turned out to be. At the time, she was a little disappointed that the analysis didn't support her career goals at that point. She was keen on law and the recommendations of a healthcare/medical path didn't sit well. The healthcare university courses mentioned in the report were something she didn't want to go for and she ended up graduating in political science from Birmingham (you did recommend PPE as a more general option).

Lily is now working as a patient flow manager in the NHS. She loves her job. The interesting thing is that she wasn't consciously drawn to this as a result of her report. But, as it turns out, your recommendations of working in management and policy in a healthcare setting was spot on.

I came across her report after I recommended Career Analysts to a friend. I sent the report onto Lily as a reminder. She had forgotten the detail and was a bit spooked (in a good way) about how accurate it was.

We shouldn't be surprised of course. However, I just wanted to say, after all this time, what a useful and insightful experience Career Analyst was. I will be definitely recommending you.


Stephen Chapman


Dear Leo,

Good afternoon,
I found my career analysis report from the 7th of September 2000 (I was 17 at the time). I would like to thank Dr Alexis Hallam for such an accurate and insightful assessment. I am now working in wildlife conservation in Asia. Although not consciously, I am pretty sure the results of the Career Report helped build my confidence in pursuing my dreams and putting in the work needed to achieve them. Furthermore, Dr Hallam's secondary assessment of training as a physical therapist has turned out to be extremely accurate as well, a field for which I have developed a significant interest over the past decade as I have taken up a number of new sports. Thank you again.
Best regards


"Hi Leo and Mary, it was lovely meeting you both on Friday. Thank you for all your help and advice, it was a refreshing change to see William animated and motivated after our meeting. He knows he has a long way to go but he has our support. He visited the local college on Saturday as they had an open day and enquired about IT courses."

For Her Son, WilliamAge: 18

"By far the most valuable and revealing aspect of the whole experience was the personal consultancy. The occupational psychologist was simply masterful in her exploration and understanding my mind, far more so than I am myself. The careers that she was describing, and the way she was describing them, sounded exactly like the type of work I would like to be involved in later on in life."

JaimeAge: 17

"Just a quick note to thank you again for all your help and to let you know I have been offered a place at Aston Business School so coming to see you last summer was most definitely the catalyst I needed to improve my prospects."

RobertAge: 18

Dear Leo

Thank you very much for the report and the support that you have given Alex, she found her interview and report immensely useful and uplifting, just what she needed.

Many thanks



Dear Leo,

Thank you very much for providing such a useful analysis! It is really helping with decisions regarding a university course.

Kind regards,



"The psychologist gave me realistic advice according to the type of person I am and my education and experience. I think she was very accurate. I feel I have a number and a range of choices, and I understand the areas that I would be successful in. The aptitude tests were quite enlightening."

FrancescaAge: 17

"You helped me to find all my options and to think of careers on a bigger scale. The aptitude profile was particularly useful - I thought it was fantastic."

VictoriaAge: 19

"Thank you very much for the report and the support that you have given Alex, she found her interview and report immensely useful and uplifting, just what she needed."

AlexAge: 15

"Thank you very much for the report and the support that you have given Alex, she found her interview and report immensely useful and uplifting, just what she needed."

For Her Daughter, AlexandraAge: 15

"Thank you very much for providing such a useful analysis! It is really helping with decisions regarding a university course."

ZinniaAge: 17

"Belatedly thank you to you and your colleagues for your work with our son Max. It was very insightful for us as parents and we felt Max was very well held In the process. As and when he is ready, we may come back to you for more help, but he isn't there as yet."

For Her Son, MaxAge: 18

"Career Analysts helped me to find out what sort of careers I am best suited for, all of the suggestions appealed to me and some of which I never would have considered without their help. My career consultant was very easy to talk with, I never felt under pressure and the consultation was an absolute joy to have done. The report was very interesting and informative and the Careers Analysts experience overall has helped me to know more about where my strengths lie and has given me some direction."

JackAge: 18

"Hi Leo, My consultation went very well and it definitely helped me clarify the area of undergraduate study that I want to go into. Thank you very much!"

RobertAge: 19

"We were really pleased with the results of James's session with your company. He is very happy in his job (as an electrician) and is doing really well. We have spoken very highly of the results and have given your details to lots of people!
We would like to book a similar session for our younger son Ben. He has just taken his GCSEs, so we would like to book an appointment for after he gets his results (some time in the week of 28th August)."

For Her Son: JamesAge: 16

High quality service offered, both in terms of consultation and psychometric assessments used for guidance. Felt understood and cared about throughout the whole process, and they went above and beyond in accommodating any questions or concerns I had going in.

RoryAged 15

We approached Career Analysts seeking clarification about our younger son’s best direction in his post-16 education and future career direction. Understanding his strengths and likes we had to some extent done our own research, but we were still unsure as to his best direction. The testing, interview and research carried out before/after his interview all indicated that he was indeed heading in the right direction. The clarification from Mary, our son’s adviser, was most valuable to us - and indeed our son. Mary has obviously done a large amount of research in producing her written report. This is why, for example, she was able to suggest a possible course at an institution which we would never have known about or considered ourselves. The service offered by Career Analysts should be considered as an investment - in your own, or your child’s future. By all means do your own research which will undoubtedly prove beneficial. The testing, interpretation of results and pursuant opportunities regarding future education and employment opportunities is not something you will easily navigate as a result of your own efforts though. So, if you can afford, I’d say buy.

ArronSon aged 16

I just wanted to say thank you to yourself, Sheridan and Leo for the help which you provided to Sophie. It enabled her to find a way through to the next stage and she has applied to study Liberal Arts at university as that does seem to be a good fit for her and something that she will very much enjoy. She’s had a couple of offers through and now just needs to get her grades! I don’t have Sheridan’s or Leo’s email addresses so please pass this message on to them. Thanks again. Michelle.

SophieDaughter aged 17

"The consultant was really nice and asked good questions. I am extremely happy with her report. It is really detailed and I can see that time and effort was put into it."

JoostAge: 18

Felix has now made some good choices about his future and we thank you for the advice you have given him.

FelixSon aged 18

"I felt that everything I talked about with my consultant was relevant to me and how I want to work out my future at university and my career. The personality profiling and aptitude tests were particularly useful."

CharlotteAge: 18

"The aspect that I found particularly useful was which career would suit me and what to study at university. If someone needed it, I would definitely recommend career analysts without a doubt."

LouiseAge: 18


I thought you might be interested to hear how your advice worked out for me as a 52 year old Engineer Surveyor of 9 years following a 26 year career in the RAF as a Mechanical Engineer.

I came to you in January 1986 as my father was at his wits end with me about a career and my lack of enthusiasm for studying at school. I saw Melvin R Stockdale and he wrote his recommendations in the Career Advice Report dated 24 Jan 1986.

To be honest, reading this now is slightly unnerving, although how accurate it was as advice is ridiculous!

The line to take away for me is:

“The two main fields which I suggest you look at carefully in order to (a) find out what they involve and (b) to test your own feelings about them: Surveying and Electrical/Mechanical Engineering.”

Like I said that is EXACTLY what I have done and am still doing!

I hope you find this story of your business being absolutely on the money as interesting/funny as I do, I wish my Dad was still here to share this with him. I think I did him proud in the end and all his worry and frustration paid off in the end!

JohnTeenager in 1986


"I'd like to thank you for going above and beyond your duty in helping me. I will let you know how my situation progresses."

DominicAge: 22

"I have kept my career report from 1995 by Alexis Hallam and periodically read it. Very accurate and still resonates. Out of curiosity I went to your web site and see I am not the only person who has done this. Alexis must have been very good."

JonathanAge: 48 (Then 27)

Following my consultation with Mary last week I have to say a huge thank you to you both.

Mary covered all of the career options I had raised and provided extremely helpful career and personal advice over an unexpected 3 hour session!

She really seemed to understand what I was needing to get out of the consultation and I have taken away some valuable things about myself that I hadn't realised or was reluctant to accept about myself prior to the session.

I now have a better understanding as to the type of career that would be suited to me and now it's a case of working out which one I want to pursue.

The consultation has provided me with valuable insight about myself so thank you again to everyone at Career Analysts.

GabrielleAge: 24

Just been clearing out ahead of moving house, and found a report that I commissioned from you back in 1994! I was only 2 years past graduating from my masters and feeling a bit frustrated....

Anyway, it is a very interesting read, and I wondered whether you ever follow up to see where your clients end up in their careers? The psychologist that I saw was Alexis Hallam, but probably not with you now?

Anyway, let me know if you want me to send you a copy of the report and maybe a copy of my current CV as a case study.....

HelenThen in her 20's

HI and thanks... I didn't know the significance of the report until now... 12 years on!

12 years ago I came to Career Analyst as I had just been made redundant. I remember spending an interesting day with you and did a whole bunch of tests and had a chat with someone.

Back then, I had commitments and didn't really take on board the significance of what the report was actually telling me, nor did I listen to my gut & heart which were both saying "go for your dreams" and so I went back to Corporate, mainly to pay for our mortgage, for another 8 years.

I pulled out my report at the weekend and had to smile. The 3 key jobs recommended back then were: Executive Coach, Occupational Psychologist, Trainer. All I remember from the meeting was Occupational Psychologist and at 34, I didn't fancy going back to Uni and re-training.

3 years ago I changed my life and walked away from Corporate - guess what I do now? Yep, Training and Coaching and I love it! I may not be earning as much as I did in my Corporate role, but I feel my life is enriched by what I do...

Just wanted to say a belated thanks to whoever helped me back then...!

LisaThen in her 20's

"Dear Career Analysts, I wanted to let you know how I got on following your help in August 2014.

Firstly, it was incredibly helpful to have your perspective and advice at what was a really difficult time for me. As a result of your suggestions, I applied for Master's courses in Operational Research and, notwithstanding my 3rd class degree, was offered a place at Southampton.

I spent the academic year 2014-15 in Southampton and have just received confirmation of my result which was a Distinction (average over 70%).

The course was much more varied than I was used to and involved the development of skills such as team work and presentations which I had not previously encountered at Cambridge. I really enjoyed the course which concluded with a two month work placement at the University of Augsburg in Germany working on a project for Allianz insurance and the completion of a report.

I submitted my report at the end of September and began applying for jobs. I have just started work in Operational Research for a major travel business.

In the summer of 2015 Cambridge agreed to upgrade my degree to a 2:2.

I wanted to let you know how I got on and to thank you for all your help and advice which has made such a difference to my situation over the last year or so."

JoshAge: 21

"I just completed your feedback questionnaire and put 'extremely' in every answer. Thanks for everything I feel much clearer now. Great service."

PaulAge: 28

"Hi Leo, thank you for emailing me a copy of my report, I have had a good look and am very happy with its contents. I have found the process of Career Analysts thoroughly enjoyable and highly motivating. I have already begun to implement some changes in my life which are starting to reap benefits and open up new opportunities along the way. I feel that the type of information I was given following the assessment of my test results and the life skills interview with Sherridan is an opportunity that everyone should be afforded.

It seems an almost natural step to take between school and further education and I know that I would have certainly benefitted from this process at that stage in my life, but that said, I am not about to let 15 years get in the way of my goals now. Please pass on my kindest thanks to Sherridan for giving me the opportunity to see my true potential and for being so understanding when she listened to my ramblings surrounding my life thus far and the accident. Many thanks again to you both."

SimonAge: 29

"Many thanks for the report - incredibly insightful stuff, I'm sure it will serve me well going forward. I'll be sure to get in touch should I want further support."

AlexAge: 22

"Just as an update as to my situation from a year ago. The report proved useful as it helped to give a clear representation of my strengths and weaknesses and extrapolate from there. I have ended up a software engineer for a very large defence contractor and so far I haven't done too badly so far."

MohsinAge: 24

"The process helped me to understand my strengths and where my areas of interests lie. I feel like I have a better vision of what career I want to go into. Leo took the time to help me out and was very patient when dealing with me. The programme was structured well. Although it was quite challenging I felt as though I benefited from it. The report helped me to gain a better and more solid understanding of my career pathway.

I understood through this programme how I could utilise my strengths to serve a purpose. I feel it is better to follow your intuition than follow a course of action you are not familiar with. I found that working with the psychologist helped me to gain a different perspective on work. The experience also caused me to change my opinion on my career options."

OliverAge: 21

"My consultant was v. enthusiastic and understanding. Didn't apply one formula - she gave me individual attention. The report arrived v. efficiently and was well laid out. The Career Analysts experience - it's like holding up a mirror to yourself. The consultant gave me a lot of encouragement and really helped me see my strengths."

SophieAge: 27

"I had accepted an offer for a BSc but wanted to check what my options would be with (and without) the degree. I am now set on doing the degree and have a much better idea what I can and might want to do with it. I feel much more confident in my mathematical abilities (and skills in general) and have a good idea what I need to work on. The report was detailed and helpful following on from the discussion on the day.

I feel I know what I need to work on with CBT in the future, and I have a better idea of what jobs I would be suited to (and, reassuringly, that there are such jobs...). I found particularly useful the warning about teaching as possibly being particularly stressful for someone like me. Confirmation of my skills and abilities."

ThomasAge: 27

"Thank you for your email and the attached report. I have now received the hard copy too. It was an interesting day, the tests and the subsequent consultation. I will go through the report and the recommendations and will contact you if I need further clarification or help. In the meantime, please pass on my thanks and gratitude also to Mary for her help, careful advice and her time."

LisaAge: 27

"Just a quick note to thank you again for all your help and to let you know I have been offered a place at Aston Business School so coming to see you last summer was most definitely the catalyst that I needed to improve my prospects. Thanks again."

RobertAge: 27

"On 26th October I received my Career Analysts report. It gave me a lot of ideas on where to go in the future; I found the service exemplary and the staff efficient and friendly. I have enrolled in training courses that I have an interest in and that would be beneficial to my future career. I have been offered a job in a sector in which I can progress and exploit my full potential. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at Career Analysts for the fantastic advice and service, helping me to finally get my career on the right path. Keep up the good work!"

PatrickAge: 26

"Sorry to miss you on my way out, I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything today, it was really helpful. I look forward to hearing from you with my report but I am not in a rush and I understand if this takes some time."

TomAge: 29

"The Occupational Psychologist showed me lots of interesting websites and all the kinds of jobs I could do."

SuzanneAge: 23

"I wanted to thank you for your insightful advice when we met. I've just completed the certificate course in Hypnotherapy and am starting the diploma in a couple of weeks! It's fascinating and I am positively hooked. About a year from now I shall be qualified and hopefully starting up my own practice! Thanks again for your advice and time. Will keep you posted!"

PhilAge: 29

"Career Analysts made me think about all of my needs from a job and what kind of skills I have. The Psychologist/career counsellor was very warm and friendly, made an effort to understand me and made me feel I have lots of choices. I'm now considering very different options to the ones I was considering before I came."

MelissaAge: 29

"Thanks for emailing the report. I found the day really useful and look forward to reading it."

CathyAge: 29

Dear Leo and Sherridan

You will remember that Kate and I visited Sherridan at her home in February this year. You both asked to be kept informed of her progress.

I am delighted to be able to tell you that Kate secured a job on 19 March!

They are a lovely team and they have said they are so happy to have her, they really like her and she fits in very well. Likewise, she is loving the job, and most importantly it ticks all the boxes for her; ‘people skills, communication, information governance and attention to detail, very little travel cost, etc., etc. They told her at the interview that it’s a ‘job for life’ and so we told her to join the NHS pension scheme! In any event, I am sure that this could lead to other roles within the NHS in the future, if she got itchy feet.

Sometimes the missing piece of the puzzle just clicks into place perfectly. I am ecstatic. It has been so very hard for her, and her Dad and I. Most of all Kate has worked so hard for her achievements and she is conscientious and dedicated and deserves to be so happily employed.

Many thanks for your help and assistance along the way. It was very much appreciated.

Very best wishes to you both.


Hi there,

I have kept my career report from 1995 by Alexis Hallam and periodically read it, Very accurate and still resonates. Out of curiosity I went to your web site and see I am not the only person who has done this. Alexis must have been very good.

You can post this on your web site if you like.

Jonathan, 48 (then 27)


Hi there,

I just want to thank you Leo, and if you can pass on my feedback to Sherridan - she was absolutely fantastic and took the time to explain everything to me and really going beyond just the career aspect of it 🙂


Dear Leo,

Just to say how delighted I have been with the career guidance service that you have offered to Grace and Jonty. Grace has made an application to train as a primary school teacher. The assurance of your analysis was absolutely key to this. Jonty is a year or two further away from the employment market place, but my hope was that you would give him ideas that were novel and out of the box – which you certainly did. Let's see where he goes, but this experience will have been invaluable whatever happens.

I've left a review on Google.

Many thanks once again


Grace and Jonty22 + 20


More than 25 years ago, I sought careers advice with your organisation, and following your advice, embarked on a master's degree at the University of London in Ergonomics, specialising in Human Factors in Human-Computer Interaction, which was the first year it was offered as a specialisation.

I now work at Google/YouTube, where I have been for nearly six years, after 15 years working in various Silicon Valley companies, focusing specifically on Internet products. I often tell my story of how I got started, because those entering my profession now cannot believe that I have been in the field for so long, having experienced so much - I hardly believe it myself.

My career counsellor was Anne Lines, whose name I have not forgotten. She may have retired now, but while I considered her advice with a healthy dose of scepticism at the time, it turned out to be incredibly perceptive.

Best wishes for the new year.

Stephen Wheeler


Thirties +

Good afternoon,

I wonder whether you are the same Sherridan Hughes I saw in June 1993 at Career Analysts at 90 Gloucester Place.

It was a long time ago and I am now 76 years old, but contacting Careers Analysts for an assessment then was most helpful.

After the various tests and the assessment results, I gained the courage to stop being a housewife and have a go at an A level in English with a view to going to university as a mature student.

I subsequently gained a BA Hons) in English at the University of Birmingham, followed by an MA in Book History (Distinction), also at Birmingham, then a PhD in Book History at the Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London; finally I published a book derived from my PhD research in 2016.

Your assessment was absolutely spot on, and I shall always be grateful for your advice.

"I feel that I have taken the first steps to changing my career to do something I have always wanted to do and I appreciate all the help that you gave me, particularly my discussions with the Occupational Psychologist. Without that day I doubt that I would have had the confidence to make the necessary changes, or even able to sort out the options available to me. Now, I feel I have had a new lease of life and I am thoroughly enjoying it."

AmyAge: 32

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the career advice and help I received from you; it has been absolutely invaluable.

As a little update, I am now 8 weeks into an MSc in Occupational & Organisational Psychology (Part-time, distance learning) at University of Northumbria, and am working part time at the events company below too that you found! I approached them even though they didn’t have any suitable vacancies at the time but then they got back to me and have created a part-time position for me!

I am also out of my toxic old job and so much happier.

Thank you so much, it’s absolutely changed my life.

RhianAge 39

Thank you for your time this morning, I felt you made a really excellent assessment and feel encouraged that there is a way forward emerging now.

We talked about jobs at the NHS and you spotted a Data Manager role, however I have found a Principle Data Manager role which looks interesting. What are your views on suitability for me based on our discussions? I'll need to move quickly as it closes on Monday.

JasonAge: 43

Thanks for your email. I did manage to secure a role in Transport for London in project management. And yes, it was your analytical assessment that prompted me to seek a career in project management.

I am doing well and I am gaining valuable experience in the industry. Additionally, the job comes with its pressures but I thrive in the challenges it throws at me.

Please pass my regards to Sherridan and I will one of these days pay you guys a visit. I will go online and recommend your excellent services, especially to veterans and many who are transitioning from the military to civilian life.

Thanks again and I will hope to hear from you soon.

PS:- Now that my life has changed as a result of what you did for me, is it worth us doing a follow-on video to show where I am now?

Just a suggestion. Please give me your thoughts.

JacksonAge: 40

By far the best team I've ever worked with. They truly understood the look I was going for and completely nailed it! I would highly recommend them as a company, you simply just won't find any better team!

Aura BrooksGraphic Designer

"Hi Leo, Many thanks for the report, it's been really helpful. Can you please raise an invoice to my company for the fee. Thanks."

PippaAge: 44

"Just wanted to say what a lovely chat I had with Mary today. I felt like she took the time to really understand me and see how to tailor careers to suit me personally rather than trying to force anything on me, and I appreciated how at ease she made me and felt the overall experience was very rewarding so I look forward to reading her report further to the session."

EmmaAge: 33

"I found the Career Analysts experience extremely valuable. The testing and discussion with Pamela indicated to me that actually I was following the wrong career path when taking my natural strengths in to account. The report and recommendations that were presented to me have helped me to make the decision to set off in a different direction in my career.

I found that while the testing and the report itself are very valuable, Pamela worked with me in order to find specific niches and area's that I had either not thought about in the past, or at least from the incorrect perspective. It is obvious that Pamela is very interested in and excited by her current role.

Having a visual representation of my abilities and having an expert explain the results and take my input in to account in the consultation made me realise that I had been pursuing my goals in ways that were detrimental to my happiness and success."

DavidAge: 32

"That was great, thanks. Looking forward to the report - really enjoyed my two hours!"

ClareAge: 44

"Some of the suggestions were things I had already thought of, but Mary had new ideas too + tried to wrestle with my myriad of issues! It's been great for me to try and see why some ideas are no longer appealing (albeit work areas in which I have long-standing experience), and to have a really sound baseline of ideas for me to consider what I do next. Particularly useful was the discussion with Mary and the efforts she took to try and understand my circumstances. Her moral support for my current career / employment difficulties."

SophieAge: 52

"You won't remember me, but I came to visit you at Career Analysts back in 2001. I thought you might be interested in what I have achieved since. You advised me to return to university (I was then 36). Eventually I took your advice following redundancy, and completed a BSc in Geology at Durham, graduating with first class honours. I have just completed my PhD from Bristol University working on volcanoes in the Afar region of Ethiopia – the most extraordinary experience! I am now off to Hawaii for a two-year post-doc looking into the origin of Earth's water. All of this a far cry from the admin role I had when I came to visit you! I was very skeptical of returning to study was very disbelieving when you told me I was more than capable – you were right I was wrong! Thanks for your help back then."

LorraineAge: 36

"The other day I stumbled across my assessment feedback from when I visited Career Analysts in 1986! My mum passed away last year and she had kept the papers, which was typical of her organisational skills. I just wanted to let you know that 20 years on the assessment has mirrored reality. It made uncanny reading. I am a Solicitor working in the private sector, I also work as a part time Member of the Parole Board. Some of the comments made in 1986 are as apt today as they were when I was 16!"

AlanAge: 36

"My self-awareness was fairly good already. However, Career Analysts affirmed that having my own company is right for me and to continue with this. I have come away feeling more positive about the way I work and more in control."

SarahAge: 42

"The Occupational Psychologist had obviously got me down to a tee!"

ChristopherAge: 35

"I must say it makes a great deal of difference - thank you very much for an enjoyable experience."

DeeAge: 48

"Would just like to inform you that I have just found employment as a Senior Intelligence Analyst working for a fraud investigation company in Gloucester. Thank you for all your help and guidance."

PatrickAge: 40

"Please could you tell your occupational psychologist that I took the job with the charity and I'm loving it! Thanks!"

EmmaAge: 33

"Dear Leo I thought I would drop you a quick note to give you some feedback on my experience with Career Analysts. I was particularly impressed with the Occupational Psychologist. She clearly understood my objectives and did a lot of research to make sure the advice she gave me was specific to my needs. This allowed my time with her to be productive and highly focused on what I wanted to achieve. The Occupational Psychologist's insight into the specific job role I was looking for, combined with an uncanny ability to access my personality, was truly remarkable.

She helped me build confidence and understand what was driving me in my previous jobs. I constantly try to analyse my job skills and look at how I can improve myself. The Occupational Psychologist took that to a completely different level and within an hour with her it was clear I couldn't see the wood from the trees. The net result was that within a matter of weeks I was able to secure a job in a completely different industry. I am extremely grateful to the Occupational Psychologist and Career Analysts for helping me understand my vocation and future path. I would not hesitate to recommend your services. Regards Richard"

RichardAge: 45

"I came to Career Analysts following a divorce and being made redundant from a dead-end job. I saw an advert and decided to make the investment. It was the best money I have ever spent. Your psychologist told me - who had been a failure at school - that I was in the top 2% in the country for my problem-solving and spatial skills and that I had the capability to study for a degree! She brushed aside my protestations about not having O or A levels or First Degree and told me that I would 'find a way'. She was so right – albeit that it was some nine years later that I was accepted onto a MSc in strategic HRM at Anglia Ruskin University as a result of conducting a three-and-a-half-year major change consultancy assignment. To cap it all, I was accepted into MENSA a year later. I will be singing your praises and recommending you to anyone who needs you. Thank you."

BarbaraAge: 30+

"The Occupational Psychologist was very perceptive about my personality."

CasperAge: 30

"The career analysts experience was very valuable. Some of the information I already knew but it was good to see how that fitted into my career choice. Some info was surprising too!"

CharlotteAge: 31

"I had a useful broad ranging discussion with the consultant with helpful insights."

JohnAge: 50

"The Career Analysts' experience was useful in confirming what should be my first step in making a positive career adjustment. The Occupational Psychologist was very easy to talk to; a very relaxed session. Honest and realistic about the current job market/climate."

AndrewAge: 36

"I haven't had a chance to go through the official feedback process yet. I will though, but meanwhile must say how pleased I am with Mary's report. It's been such a helpful process and I'm delighted with the advice she has offered. I shall follow through with the proper feedback process ASAP."

SophieAge: 52

"I am pleased to say I now have a job working for the Liberal Democrats which I am really enjoying. Thank you for your advice."

JoeAge: 31

"Several comments really rang true. I had thought counselling might suit me, but she advised against it and when I mentioned this to close family they agreed with the Career Analyst."

NicolaAge: 49

"Generally this was an excellent day! The Occupational Psychologist was a very intelligent, confident, interesting person. I really enjoyed our conversation."

HarryAge: 43

"The Career Analysts experience provided me with valuable information. The Occupational Psychologist gave me a lot to think about and the report was a good summary."

RichardAge: 37

"I just wanted to say thank you to you and your team for a really worthwhile, informative and thought provoking day. I felt as though some light started to appear at the end of a tunnel."

MarkAge: 43

"A belated thank you so much for your advice and support last week - and for the comments/tips below. It was an extremely useful session, well-tailored to my needs and has helped to structure and focus my thinking; It has also enabled me to feel more confident about preparing for/addressing interviews."

CathAge: 38

"I found the Career Analysts experience very pertinent. It has highlighted my frustration at work doing secretarial work. I also found the personality profile interesting. I know that I am determined and driven, but I did not realize to what extent i.e. I did not think I was more driven than other people and I see now how this aspect of my personality conflicts with routine work. I realize that I need to find a job that provides outlet for this. Hitherto, I have done this through studying."

Marie-ThereseAge: 51

"I appreciate your work in helping me at this difficult time. I need to digest the results and act soon. Could you thank the careers adviser on my behalf for her work, recommendations and websites? She might be pleased to know that I have been short-listed for the Lay Chaplain post at New Hall School."

WitoldAge: 50

Good afternoon,
I found my career analysis report from the 7th of September 2000 (I was 17 at the time). I would like to thank Dr Alexis Hallam for such an accurate and insightful assessment. I am now working in wildlife conservation in Asia. Although not consciously, I am pretty sure the results of the Career Report helped build my confidence in pursuing my dreams and putting in the work needed to achieve them. Furthermore, Dr Hallam's secondary assessment of training as a physical therapist has turned out to be extremely accurate as well, a field for which I have developed a significant interest over the past decade as I have taken up a number of new sports. Thank you again.
Best regards


Just wanted to say what a lovely chat I had with Mary today. I felt like she took the time to really understand me and see how to tailor careers to suit me personally rather than trying to force anything on me, and I appreciated how at ease she made me and felt the overall experience was very rewarding so I look forward to reading her report further to the session.

