Thinking About a Career Change
Are you seeking a change in career path, but don’t really know what future career is right for you? We offer a bespoke programme designed to help you with your change of career.
Perhaps your career no longer interests you, or it lacks progression, or you want a new work/life balance. You may already have a successful career, but as lifestyle and priorities change, does your career still motivate you? Does it fulfil your ambitions? Are you working to your full potential?
Making a career change may seem daunting, but it really isn’t as scary as you think. Changing career when you’re over 30 isn’t unusual. We have developed a process using extensive career tests and in-depth analysis to provide career change advice tailored to your specific circumstances. Finding a new career is a positive step. If you’re not happy in your current role then it is in your power to change career.
Some of the reasons you might come to Career Analysts:
- Needing a career change due to altered circumstances
- Woman returner after child-rearing
- Wanting careers advice on what would be the best path for you
- Unhappy in your present career and want to find your ideal vocation
- A desire to return to work and restart your career
- Looking to start your own business
If you answered yes to any of these then you could really benefit from contacting us today so we can advise you on your career change options at this important stage of your life.