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Thinking About Changing Career?

Advice On Changing Career

Changing career is achievable. Thousands of people do it every year. The difficult part is knowing what career is right for you and then understanding how to get there.

For more than half a century our career advisors have helped people in their twenties, thirties and above discover their new career.

Our programmes include:

  • A comprehensive range of cutting-edge career tests.
  • A one-on-one consultation with one of our fully-qualified career advisors to help you decide on the right career for YOU.
  • A detailed career path report written by your personal career counsellor detailing the next steps to your ideal career.

Your perfect career is out there waiting for you. Why remain trapped in a career that makes you unhappy? We can advise you what career would suit you best as well as how to get there.

Register below to speak to a career advisor about changing career.

Changing Career is a Step Forward

Changing career doesn’t have to be risky if you have a serious career plan. We use a scientific process involving psychometric tests and Occupational Psychology to make sure you choose the career path that’s right for you. We can remove the doubt and ease the process.

When you register for our careers advice programme, you start by completing an online psychometric assessment. Then, one of our career advisors analyses your results and researches possible future careers for you. The result is reliable, professional careers advice designed to help you move forward into your new career.

Each of our career guidance counsellors has at least two degrees – a BSc in Psychology and an MSc in Occupational Psychology. This means they have the training to analyse and understand the results of your psychometric tests. In this way they can match you with the most suitable career for YOU.

Changing career may not feel like the easiest option and it certainly isn’t if you go it alone. So we use psychometrics to minimise the risk, and help you discover a future career that really does suit you. So, to find out more about our careers advice service register below or, contact us on 0800 999 7778.