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A New Career in your 20’s

In my 20’s – What Career is Right for Me?

A New Career in your 20’s

Your twenties are a crucial – and exciting – time. Our new career programme offers tailored careers advice to those needing help in deciding what career is right for them. Career decisions made now will have a profound impact on the rest of your working life. Our aim is to help you make the best long-term career decision for YOU.  

At this relatively early stage in your working life, it is important to make the right career choice. You should aim to find a career you’re not only good at, but that you genuinely enjoy. This will help you build a better, more sustainable career path.

Our careers advice for 20+ year olds helps you to consider your career options, review your progress, assess your current position and plan for the future. The New Career 20 programme caters for a range of people, no matter your unique circumstances, and is suitable for:

  • People who started out in one career only to find that it wasn’t what they expected
  • University graduates
  • Or those without many qualifications
  • 20+ year olds searching for their ideal career
  • Individuals who don’t yet know what they want to do

A New Career for a New You

Perhaps you recently left university and are looking for suitable graduate jobs. Maybe you thought you knew what career was right for you, but now you’re not so sure.

Don’t shut yourself off from the exciting prospects around you. If you’re already in employment but unsure whether this is the right career for you, then ask yourself:

  • does your current role reflect your skills, qualifications and goals?
  • Are there further qualifications that would help you build your dream career?
  • Or will you hold back as others progress up the career ladder?

Our 20’s Careers Advice Programme

Next to getting married, choosing the right career is the biggest decision you will make in your life. It can be daunting. You may feel pressure to decide quickly, even though it may not be the right career for youWe want to eliminate this stress and save you time by helping you find the new career that really suits you.  So, if you want to answer the question “what career is right for me?”, then our ‘New Career 20’ careers advice programme is your next step.

Our programme includes:

  • A set of online psychometric tests for you to complete at home. These are in real depth and will take you about 5 hours to complete. We need to go into this much depth because we really need to dig deeply into you to understand who you are, so that we can match you up with the best career for YOU.
  • This is followed by exhaustive analysis by one of our highly-qualified career advisors – each with a minimum of 2 degrees – one in Occupational Psychology.
  • Then, you will have a one-to-one career consultation with that career advisor in which you will discuss the results of your psychometric tests, what they mean for you, what your career options are and what next steps you need to take to get to your ideal career.
  • Finally, you will receive a written career report detailing our findings, the implications for you and our recommendations for your career path.

Psychometric Tests for a New Career

Using comprehensive psychometric testing, our expert careers advisors concentrate on building a detailed, holistic profile of you. This includes your interests, your personality, your values and your abilities. We do this so that we can provide life-changing careers advice tailored specifically to you. Together, we will help you consider your career choices  and devise a realistic plan for your new career.

If you want to attain your dream career then it is important that you seek a new career that is really right for you. So, if you can’t decide what new career is right for you, contact us today via the form below!

Other Services We Offer

If you already know exactly what career you want to do but are unsure how to land your dream job or how to progress in your current career, then we can help. We offer a variety of bespoke services to support and help you in your job search. These include: career coaching, interview techniques training, CV writing and help with job search and applications. 

We provide many other services that may be closer to what you’re looking for, so have a look around our buy now page to discover the right programme or training for you. Our ultimate goal is to help people land their dream job so we make sure we’re able to help you every step of the way.  

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