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Careers Advice Using Psychometric Tests and a One-on-One Career Consultation

Careers Advice from Professional Careers Advisors using Career Tests

Careers Advice based on a Career Quiz

A career quiz helps your career consultant understand who YOU are. As a result, we can help you identify what career is right for YOU. Equally importantly, we show you what training or further education is required to get you there.

But what is a career quiz? A career quiz is another name for psychometric tests. These are the tools we use to understand YOU. What are you interested in? Which career would suit your personality? What are you good at?

The psychometric tests allow us to create a detailed profile of you. Using these career tests, we gain a thorough understanding of your personality, interests, values and aptitudes. As a result, we give you unbiased, reliable and well-informed careers advice that helps you move forward in your career. In summary, it’s a careers advice programme steeped in science and delivered by highly qualified professionals.

What the Psychometric Tests Reveal

Our career quiz uncovers the important factors you need to consider in order to choose your ideal career:

  • Interests – you are much more likely to enjoy your career and be successful if you follow a real interest or passion.
  • Personality – we show how you would normally respond and behave at work. From this we will show you what is the best role for you. Also the best environment for you to be working in. You need to know where you will fit in, and ensure your character matches your career choice.
  • Aptitudes – The aptitude tests look at different types of reasoning abilities. What are you good at? What are your strengths? Which are you not so strong at? What career will value your talents and which careers should you avoid?
  • Values and Beliefs – essentially, what is it that motivates you in your career and life?

Why Does Your Careers Advisor Use Psychometric Tests?

Occupational Psychology

At Career Analysts all of our career counsellors are fully qualified Occupational Psychologists. They need these qualifications to be able to interpret the results of the psychometric tests we use. These are very important tools for us. We need them to understand you and what you represent as a human resource. They are not a ten-minute career quiz on the internet. They are in real depth and will take you about 5 hours to complete. All these career tests are online so you can do them at home in your own time. Then, you will see an experienced career advisor to plan your future career path.

This one-on-one consultation with a fully qualified Occupational Psychologist is the most important part of the process. In it you will discuss the results of the psychometric tests and what they mean for you. Particularly, your personal, practical circumstances, ambitions and needs. We will suggest specific careers relevant to you. So, the aim is to help you make the key decision about what to do for the next stage of your career.

Psychometric Tests

The psychometric tests we use are scientifically verified, multiple-choice career tests. They are designed to uncover your interests, feelings, abilities and preferences.

As well as the psychometric tests, your personal, practical circumstances are important considerations when choosing your career path. What may appear to be an ideal career choice for you on paper, might not be right for you for practical reasons. These factors can include family commitments, health issues, geographical constraints, and financial needs.

Each of these can have an impact on your career choice. This is why our psychometric tests are always followed by a one-on-one consultation with an Occupational Psychologist. So we can give you the best possible careers advice to match your very personal circumstances. We have over 50 years of experience providing this level of careers advice. So, you know you are in good hands with us. Have a look at our testimonials and hear what our clients have to say.

You can look forward to a much brighter future if you can focus on what career you are aiming for! So, get careers advice from one of our experienced career counsellors. To find out more about our careers advice service, contact us on 0800 999 7778. Given these points, book a place on one of our careers advice programmes to help you choose the right career for you.