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Career Guidance Tailored to YOU

Career Guidance for You

Careers guidance is not general. It needs to be personal. You can’t find your ideal career using a computer-generated report. You need a qualified career guidance counsellor for that.

The whole point of our psychometric evaluation process is to understand who you are as an individual. What are you interested in? What are you good at? Which career would suit your personality? Which career aligns with your values? There’s no age limit on that, so we offer careers advice programmes for different age groups.

So, if you’re:

  • A teenager, needing advice on A-Level or degree choice, with a view to what career would suit you best in the future.
  • Or you’re in your twenties, looking for your first, or a new career.
  • Or someone in their thirties or above, wanting to make a career change.

Then we have career guidance specialists to help you get on the right career path. We can also advise on what training or further education you will need to get there. Register below to speak with a career advisor or take a look at our specialist careers advice programmes.

We have been around since 1965, so you know you are in good hands with us. Have a look at our testimonials page and read what our clients have said about us.

Personalised Career Guidance

Our career guidance programme employs a scientific process based on psychology which cuts out the guesswork. It is quite different from careers advice you will find elsewhere.

We use the science of Psychology to understand you and what you represent as a human resource. Then we draw on our in-depth knowledge of what careers there are out there, to determine which career will suit you best. Your personal career advisor will give you practical career guidance to ensure you get on the right career path.

  • Firstly, we will send you some online psychometric tests to complete at home. These help us to understand your skills, interests, values and personality.
  • Secondly, a careers advisor (who is a qualified Occupational Psychologist) will analyse the results and research what career would suit you best.
  • Thirdly, you will meet with that careers advisor to discuss the implications for you. In this way, they can give you expert careers advice about exactly what career is right for you.
  • Fourthly, we will send you a personal written report – written by your careers advisor; not computer-generated – with our recommendations for your career path. Many people keep their career report for the rest of their lives.

To find out more about our careers advice service, contact us on 0800 999 7778. Or Just fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.