Going Straight to Work. But What Career is Right For You?
Going straight to work after leaving school can be nerve-wracking. Particularly if you have no idea what career is right for you, and you are worried about making the wrong choice.
So, if you are:
- A school leaver who doesn’t want to go to university
- Someone who struggles with exams and assessments
- A 16 year old who wants to start earning a wage immediately
Then our teenagers programme is right for you. We understand circumstances can make it difficult for you to carry on in further education. You are not alone in this. So, we will support you in taking your first step into the workplace. Deciding on your desired career needn’t be stressful. We want to eliminate the thoughts of: “what career path should I take”, or “I don’t know what career is right for me”.
This programme offers specific careers advice for teenagers so we can help you choose the right career for you. We help you to make the best career choice based on your personality and skills.