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Taking A Step Into The Workplace

Going Straight to Work. But What Career is Right For You?

Going straight to work after leaving school can be nerve-wracking. Particularly if you have no idea what career is right for you, and you are worried about making the wrong choice. 

So, if you are:

  • A school leaver who doesn’t want to go to university
  • Someone who struggles with exams and assessments
  • A 16 year old who wants to start earning a wage immediately

Then our teenagers programme is right for you. We understand circumstances can make it difficult for you to carry on in further education. You are not alone in this. So, we will support you in taking your first step into the workplace. Deciding on your desired career needn’t be stressful. We want to eliminate the thoughts of: “what career path should I take”, or “I don’t know what career is right for me”. 

This programme offers specific careers advice for teenagers so we can help you choose the right career for you. We help you to make the best career choice based on your personality and skills. 

The Process of Sending You Straight to Work

Our programme of careers advice for teenagers will help you start out on the right career path for you. We deliver a bespoke service that’s tailored to your individual circumstances. This means that you can choose a realistic career path and start work straight after leaving school. Whatever your circumstances, our aim is to help you choose the best career for you.

There are many examples of very successful people who left education early to start their career. Going to university isn’t for everyone. Don’t think that choosing to start a new career now will necessarily put you at a disadvantage. There are many benefits to going straight into work, not least, avoiding large student debts!  

Making these decisions alone is challenging, but you aren’t alone! Many school leavers are in exactly the same position as you. Our expert career guidance counsellors are here to take away the worries and stress, and guide you to the right career choice for YOU. They are here to listen and support you.

Even if you have no idea what to do, our careers advisors are professionals in giving accurate careers advice for teenagers. Click here for a full breakdown of our scientific process.

Our Teenagers Programme

Step 1- Our programme is tailor-made for young people, so we provide professional careers advice for teenagers. In order to deliver this career advice, the first stage is to complete a psychometric assessment which involves filling out some specially designed online questionnaires. These allow us to understand YOU – your skills, personality and interests. Using these career tests we can determine what career is right for you.

Step 2- One of our Occupational Psychologists analyses your results to gain an insight into who you are. Then, they do their analysis, research and preparationon what career paths would suit you. As a result, they can match you up with the ideal career choice for you.  

If you are struggling to decide on what career is right for you, contact us using the form below. We can guide you to the best career for you!

We Help You Find The Right Career For You

Step 3- At this stage you will have a one-on-one consultation with a fully qualified careers advisor. You will discuss your psychometric profile and their research, leading to their professional opinion on what career is right for you. You will discuss your options and next steps. Additionally, what training or further education you will need to pursue your ideal career path.

Step 4 – You will receive a detailed report written by your career advisor. This will include the results of your psychometric assessment and information about your ideal career. Additionally, if needed, we can help with writing and structuring your CV.

Read some of the feedback we have received to get a sense of what we do and how, over the last 60 years, we have helped many people just like you. 

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