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Job Choices

Job Choices

How do you know which job choices are suitable for you? At Career Analysts we have both the training and the experience to know which career is the right one for YOU. So, we can narrow down your job choices to those specifically suited to you. How do WE know what is the ideal job for you? It’s because we are fully qualified Occupational Psychologists. We conduct a series of psychometric tests so that we get to understand you. What are you interested in? What are you good at? Which career would suit your personalty? Only then can we match you up with the best career for YOU.

What are the best job choices for you

The sole concern of our job choice programme is to help you choose the best career for you. It will analyse your current situation with total honesty and confidentiality. Then, you will talk through your job choices with an unbiased, highly-qualified, professional careers advisor.

Make the Right Job Choice for YOU

Professional careers advice

At Career Analysts, we excel in two areas. Firstly, the depth of our psychometric tests produces a profound catalytic effect for you. Secondly, the exceptional calibre of our career consultants makes a real difference. All of our career advisors are fully qualified Occupational Psychologists. You will be astonished at the accuracy, insight and detail with which our consultants assimilate the career choices you face. You will get to know yourself better, unearth dormant talents and have a better sense of direction. As a result, you will find the whole process a real confidence booster.

Register for one of our programmes to help you with your job choice and get great careers advice from one of our experienced careers advisors.

Psychometric Tests

We will begin by creating an in depth profile of you. Firstly, you will need to complete a number of career tests. These include aptitude tests as well as assessments of your interests and personality. After that there will be a one-on-one consultation with a fully qualified careers advisor.

We will gain a thorough understanding of your interests, personality, values and aptitudes as well as your practical circumstances. Thus, we will be able to give you reliable and well-informed careers advice that will help you to achieve your dream job.

If you would like to talk to a professional career counsellor, contact us on 0800 999 7778.