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Job Change

Job Change

Are you thinking about a change in job?

If you are considering a job change, we can draw on 60 years of experience to help you make the best career choice for your future.

Firstly, you need to ask yourself what is motivating you to consider a change of job. For some, a new young family has provided the impetus. This is a very practical matter. You need to provide for a bigger family, whilst also being able to spend more time with them. For others, a change of values has led to a re-evaluation of where you are. What do you want to do with your life? What do you want to achieve?

Then, you need to understand which new career would suit you best. One that you are interested in and good at. One that aligns with your values and reflects your personality. Above all, a new career that is practical for you.

You may be asking yourself these questions:
  • How can I change my job?
  • What’s involved in a career change?
  • How to plan a job change?
  • Is it easy to change your career?

We will help you discover what career is right for you. We will unearth your talents and qualities and give you a better sense of direction. As a result, you will get a real confidence boost on your journey to make your ideal job change.

Get careers advice from one of our experienced career advisors. Book a place on one of our programmes to help you choose the right career. To find out more about our career change service, contact us on 0800 999 7778.

How to Choose the Right Job For Me

How it works:

We will start by creating an in depth profile of you. First, you will need to complete some online career tests. These are in real depth and will take you about 5 hours to complete at home. You don’t need to do them all in one day, but they will take about that long in total. After that, you will have a one-on-one consultation with an experienced and fully-qualified career advisor.

We will gain a thorough understanding of YOU. Your values, interests, personality, and aptitudes as well as your practical circumstances. So, we will be able to give you reliable and well-informed job change advice that will help you to achieve your career targets.

We have been providing in depth careers advice since 1965. So, you know you are in good hands with us. Take a look at our testimonials and hear what our clients have to say.

Psychometric tests

All of our careers advisors are fully qualified Occupational Psychologists. So they will help you analyse your current situation using career tests. With these, we can analyse your present situation and research your career options. Then, we can sit with you, one on one, and talk through your career choices with total honesty and confidentiality. The aim is to help you narrow down your career options and decide what career to do for the rest of your life. This consultation will be followed up with a full written report – not computer generated but written by your careers advisor.

We are so effective because we combine the exceptional calibre of our advisers with the depth of our psychometric tests. The accuracy, insight and detail with which our highly-qualified career guidance consultants assimilate your career and personal issues will surprise you. We’ve been here since 1965. No-one has more experience helping people change career.