Holistic coaching is an approach to coaching where everything about you and your world is included. It draws on old wisdom from the East and West. However, it stays current by incorporating recent findings in neuroscience, genetics and other disciplines.
Many of us don’t think twice about spending thousands of pounds on our homes but won’t invest money in ourselves. We believe we should be able to sort ourselves out. Maybe we think that whatever is troubling us is not a big deal and that it will ‘get better’ in time.
We neglect ourselves.
You may have read self-help books! Although interesting and promising, they haven’t really changed you. At the same time, you’ve talked to your friends, family and partner? They give you advice, sometimes conflicting, yet still you haven’t found the answer. In reality, you begin to recognise that your old ways of approaching things no longer work. In fact, you can’t see how to proceed.
With Holistic Coaching, we explore your individuality and the social context in which you are embedded. Your individuality includes your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and intentions as well as your physiology. Your social context involves the language you speak (the words you choose and the way you express yourself), the culturally specific practices you engage in and the relationships and groups you are part of.