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Best Career Ideas for YOU

Personalised Career Ideas for YOU

At Career Analysts, we specialise in analysing and researching the best career ideas for YOU. For well over half a century, our career advisors have delivered expert careers advice to people just like you.

How do we know which career ideas are the right ones for you? We do a detailed analysis of who you are. What you are interested in. What you are good at. What career path would suit your personality. Which careers are practical for you. We do this using psychometric tests.

All our careers advisors must have a minimum of 5 years of university education. Firstly, they learn about all the possible careers there are out there, what the requirements are for those careers and how to get into them. Secondly, they are trained to interpret the results of the psychometric tests we conduct. So, we use the psychometric questionnaires to understand who YOU are. Once we know that, we can match you up with the best career path for you.

Careers Advice for Half a Century

Since 1965, our career advisors have helped huge numbers of people find their ideal career. Our clients achieve real career success and personal fulfilment as a direct result of our in-depth careers advice service.

You begin by completing a full range of career tests. These are in real depth, so they will take you about 5 hours to complete. But you don’t need to do all of them in one sitting. You can do half an hour here; half an hour there. Most people take one or two weeks to complete them. But we do need to go into this much depth because we need to dig quite deeply into you. Only then can we advise you on the right career for you.

The career tests are followed by a one-on-one consultation with one of our career guidance counsellors. In this you will discuss the career ideas they have researched for you. In this way, they will help you to narrow down your options and choose the right career path for you.

Life-Changing Careers Advice

Career Ideas from Occupational Psychologists

We will start by creating a detailed profile of you. First, you will need to complete a set of career tests so that we can understand YOU. Following that, you will have a one-on-one talk with a careers advisor. All of these career guidance counsellors are fully qualified Occupational Psychologists.

We will gain a deep understanding of your personality, interests, values, aptitudes and practical circumstances. Because of this, you will get reliable careers advice with great career ideas for YOU. Read through our testimonials and see what our clients have to say. Or, to find out more about our careers advice service, contact us on 0800 999 7778.

Career Analysis is a Science

Our careers advisors help you to analyse your present situation and look forward to a better future. We will provide you with career ideas matched specifically to you. Our psychometric tests reveal the important factors you need to consider when choosing the right career. Your interests, personality, motivations, abilities and practical circumstances.

So, book a place on our careers advice programme to uncover great career ideas for you. Talk through your career options with a highly qualified careers advisor. Get sound careers advice from one of these experienced career guidance counsellors. They will guide you to the best career for YOU.