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Career Finders – Find my Career

Career Finders for the Right Career

Career finders help you find the right career for you. It can be difficult to find the career that really suits you and makes you happy. That’s why at Career Analysts we have formulated a scientific process which assesses the best career options for you personally.

To do this, we use career tests to understand you – your interests, personality, values and abilities. Using these, along with our extensive knowledge of careers, we will help you find the right career for YOU.

  • Fill in the form below and tell us about your present situation.
  • Then, we email the Psychometric tests for you to complete at home. 
  • Next, your careers advisor will research the career paths they think would suit you best.
  • After that, you meet with your personal careers adviser for a one-on-one session. In this they help you to decide what is the right career for you.
  • Finally, we will produce a report – written by your careers advisor, not computer generated – with our recommendations for your future career path.

Choosing the right career path for YOU needn’t be a stressful experience. In fact, it should be an exciting adventure! We help you to uncover your ideal career options so that you can make a clear choice for your future.

How to Find the Right Career for You

We use psychometric tests to help you find the right career, so it’s essential that each of our career advisors is an Occupational Psychologist with at least two degrees (a BA in Psychology and an MA in Occupational Psychology)

Because our career advisors are fully qualified psychologists, they know how to interpret the results of the psychometric tests we use. Additionally, as Occupational Psychologists, they have a vast knowledge of the many different industries there are out there, and the career paths within them. So our career advisors are able to match you with the most suitable career path for you. It’s not guesswork. Our founders developed this scientific process in the 1960’s. We’ve been using it for 60 years and we are now on the third generation of families coming to us. So, we do know it works.

Sign up to one of our careers advice programmes and your occupational psychologist will:

  • Build a comprehensive profile of you as an individual.
  • Use this profile to research the right career path for you.
  • Meet with you in a one-on-one consultation in which they share their ideas and help you develop a clear career plan for your future.
  • Provide a written report with our recommendations for your future career. Many of our clients keep this for a lifetime.