How Can I Change My Career
You’ve reached this page so you’re probably thinking about a career change. Often, people don’t really know what career they want to change to – they just don’t want to remain stuck in their current role. There are many obstacles to overcome on the way to a career change, so our expert careers advisors will help you move seamlessly into your new career.
Once you have registered with us for our career change programme, we will gather a large amount of information about you and your circumstances using specific career change tests.
These are in-depth psychometric tests covering the important factors you need to consider when making a career change. What interests you? Which career would suit your personality? Which career would reflect your values and beliefs? What career path would better match your skills and strengths? What is a practical career change for you given your present circumstances?
Once you have completed these career tests, we will do an in depth analysis of the results and research suitable careers for you. You will meet with your personal careers advisor who is an Occupational Psychologist. Together, you will talk through the analysis and research and discuss the options for your career change. We will give you professional careers advice on what is the right career for you for this next stage of your life.
Have a look at our feedback and testimonials pages to see how others have benefitted from our in-depth, professional careers advice. Or to find out more about our careers advice service contact us on 0800 999 7778. Register below to discuss your circumstances in detail.