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What are the Best Jobs for me

What Are the Best Jobs?

An experienced career guidance counsellor can help you answer the question ‘what are the best jobs for me?’ Our specialist careers advice service has helped thousands of people of various ages and backgrounds identify the right career for them. It’s a life-changing experience. So it makes a real difference in how happy you are for the rest of your life.

In order to discover the best jobs for YOU, you really need to know who you are. What are your drives and motivations, your preferences, your strengths and weaknesses? Where are these qualities most valued? Above all, what do you want from your career? Only then can you confidently answer the question ‘What is the best job for me’.

To find out more about our careers advice service contact us on 0800 999 7778 and we’ll help you figure out what is the best career for YOU. Or Just fill out the form below and we’ll contact you directly.

Psychometric Tests

Career Analysts uses an array of cutting-edge psychometric tests. We analyse YOU in order to match you up with the best career path for you. An objective, highly qualified careers advisor will study the results of the psychometrics and research the best jobs for you. After that, you will have a one-on-one consultation to help you decide on the best career path for you.

So, to find your perfect career, use the following combination:

  • a comprehensive range of psychometric profiling and assessment techniques
  • a one-on-one consultation with a fully qualified careers advisor

Have a look at the feedback we have received to get a sense of how we have helped people just like you in similar situations. To talk to a professional careers advisor, call us on 0800 999 7778. Or Just fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch soon.

What is the Best Career for me?

To understand what are the best jobs for you, your careers advisor will create a comprehensive profile of you. First, you need to complete some detailed career tests including personality and aptitude tests. These alone will take you about five hours to complete – they really are in depth. After that, you will have a one-on-one consultation with an experienced and fully qualified Occupational Psychologist.

The aim is to gain a thorough understanding of your personality, interests, values, aptitudes and your practical circumstances. As a result, we will be able to give you reliable and well-informed careers advice to help you find the best job for you.

Have a look at our testimonials and hear what our clients have to say. If you would like to talk to a professional career advisor, contact us on 0800 999 7778.

Our Career Guidance Counsellors

We produce a profound catalytic effect for our clients. You will be astonished at the accuracy, insight and detail with which your career advisor assimilates the personal and career issues you face. We achieve this by combining the truly exceptional calibre of our career consultants with the depth of our psychometric tests. As a result, you will find your own personal fulfilment by figuring out what is the best career for YOU.

As a result of our careers advice service you will get to know yourself better, unearth dormant talents and qualities, have a real confidence boost and find a better sense of direction for your career. So, we can help you in your search to find the best career.

To find out more about our careers advice service, contact us on 0800 999 7778. Or book a place on one of our programmes to help you choose the best career.