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Why do people get careers advice?

By 11/01/2022April 19th, 2024Uncategorized

There are many reasons people seek careers advice at different stages in their career.

15 and 16 year olds may need help with A level and degree choices. Even if they have an idea of what career would suit them best, the question remains: How to get there. What degree would be most useful for my future career? What A levels are needed to get into that degree? How to choose my career?

For older teenagers the question becomes even more pressing: What career path should I take? For those who have already left school and want to go straight to work, they need to urgently ask what career should I do?

Those in their twenties may have just left university and still don’t know what career is right for them. Or they may have thought they knew what career is best, but on entering that career path, they find it is not what they expected. They might start to wonder is this the right career for me after all.

Then there are those considering a career change at 30. When you reach 30, you have reached a level of maturity where you can look at the bigger picture of your career and life. Perhaps you now have a young family to consider? If so, that’s the most important thing in your life now. There’s a pressing need to provide for them and a deep desire to spend more time with them.

A career change at 40 or 50+? For such age groups the driving forces can are different once again. Perhaps your values have changed, and you no longer desire the same things that you did as a younger adult. Perhaps you now have a level of security and want to indulge other interests. Maybe you just want a better work/life balance?

A large proportion of those seeking a career change will fall into one of these categories. Perhaps 90%. Yet still there is another 10% whose motivations are very varied. For some, a change in career has been forced upon them. For those competing in sports, retirement can be forced upon you in your thirties. An injury or other medical condition may prevent you from continuing in your chosen career.

There are myriads of reasons why people think about changing career. The question for most is: What career path should I take at this stage? The answer for many is: see a career analyst to help you decide on the right career for you.