What Career Is Right For Me?
‘What job should I do?’ is one of the most important questions you will ever ask. The career that you choose will take up much of your time. So you have to make the right decision. That means choosing a career that makes you happy as well as paying the bills.
Next to finding your life partner, understanding what career is right for you is the most important decision you will take in your life. It’s important that your career reflects your personality, interests and motivations – as well as your personal practical circumstances?
Finding your ideal career comes from really knowing your drives and motivations, your preferences and strengths and where those qualities can best be applied.
Over the last 60 years we have guided 3 generations of families with our careers advice. To talk to a professional careers advisor, contact us on 0800 999 777 8. Or register with us to discuss the right careers advice programme for you.