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What Job Should I Do?

What Job Should I Do?

What Career Is Right For Me?

‘What job should I do?’ is one of the most important questions you will ever ask. The career that you choose will take up much of your time. So you have to make the right decision. That means choosing a career that makes you happy as well as paying the bills.

Next to finding your life partner, understanding what career is right for you is the most important decision you will take in your life. It’s important that your career reflects your personality, interests and motivations – as well as your personal practical circumstances?

Finding your ideal career comes from really knowing your drives and motivations, your preferences and strengths and where those qualities can best be applied.

Over the last 60 years we have guided 3 generations of families with our careers advice. To talk to a professional careers advisor, contact us on 0800 999 777 8. Or register with us to discuss the right careers advice programme for you.

Answer These Questions To Discover Your Perfect Job:

  • What job really interests you? If you can find a career which really motivates you, you’ll enjoy it much more.
  • What job are you good at? You’ll feel far more confident in your job if you know you’ll be good at it.
  • What kind of person are you? You should follow a career path that suits your personality, not one in which you feel out of place.
  • What do you fundamentally believe in? You will be much more driven to achieving something If you feel it is the right thing to do. Following your beliefs is a major factor in valuing your work highly.

Career Analysts can help you find the answers. So, talk to an experienced, professional careers advisor from Career Analysts. We will analyse your current situation with honesty and confidentiality and talk through your career options with you. This really is an opportunity to change your life for the better.

What is the Best Career for Me?

Our highly qualified and experienced career advisors will help you answer the question ‘what job should I do?’

To do this, we offer a combination of the following:

  • A comprehensive range of cutting-edge psychometric tests.
  • A one-to-one consultation with a fully-qualified Occupational Psychologist.
  • A full report with our recommendations in it, written by your personal careers advisor.

Firstly, we create a comprehensive profile of you using psychometric tests. Then, after completing them, you will have a one-on-one consultation with your personal careers advisor.

So, you’ll talk through your career options and goals with your career counsellor. After that you’ll receive a full written report with our recommendations for you. This is a document personally written by your careers advisor, not computer generated, which will guide you in finding the right career for YOU. Many people keep this for a lifetime.

Find the Right Career Today

The calibre of our career advisors as well as the detail of our career tests, will astound you. They produce a profound catalytic effect for our clients. The accuracy, insight and detail with which our careers advisors assimilate the issues you face is amazing.

Call us on 0800 999 7778 or book a place on one of our programmes to help you choose the right career for YOU.

You’ll get to know yourself better and reveal hidden talents and qualities you weren’t aware of. In addition, you’ll get a real confidence boost and a clear sense of direction for your career.

Talk to one of our professional careers advisors. You will get life-changing careers advice from our skilled career consultants.