If you’re looking for your dream job, a career change or a return to work after a break, you need to get your CV in shape. Recruiting companies and managers don’t go through every CV in detail, so what can you do to make your CV stand out, and make their job a lot easier?
Here are some top tips to help you write a good CV
Keep It Simple
First things first, make your CV clear and easy to read, and keep to the facts. Don’t add in extra information that isn’t relevant. Adding information about your marital status, race, or a photo might seem useful but it could be seen as discriminatory so it’s best to leave them out.
Keep It Clear
Now is not the time to show any possible employers how many fonts you can put into your CV. Use one, keep it in black, and keep extra titles and any other emphasis or format tricks to a minimum.
Keep It Relevant
Recruiters don’t have time to wade through your job history if it bears no relation to the job you are applying for. Obviously, you don’t want to have gaps in your CV, but keep it short and to the point if the experience isn’t relevant to the position you want.
Keep It Focused
Make sure that the information you provide points to how well you would suit the position. The skills you have acquired, your experience, the courses you have attended and your qualifications – if they aren’t providing valuable evidence towards the role you want, don’t include it.
Keep It In Context
You may know the ins and outs of your last job, but the recruiter doesn’t. Make sure that you explain briefly what your previous or current employers did or does, what your role involved and how you improved either your own skills or the results of your team.
Keep It Quantifiable
Adding in numbers, figures and percentages can make it very easy for managers skimming through CVs to find out how great you are. To stand out, put down some clear achievements. 30% increase in this. 26% improvement in that.
Do you need careers advice for a change in career? Or help in marketing yourself to potential employers? Contact Career Analysts (https://careeranalyst.wpengine.com).