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Top tips for a career in Healthcare

By 31/01/2018April 19th, 2024Uncategorized

Are you looking to start a new career in Healthcare? Whether you are deciding on A Level or University choices, want a career change or to return to work, there is a lot of scope and opportunity in having a healthcare career. 7% of the total UK workforce – that’s more than 2 million people – have NHS careers, which makes it the single biggest employer not just in the UK but Europe. An additional 1.4m people have careers in the private and social care sectors.

Business Insider recently published a great overview of tips from those in the Healthcare industry to others hoping to get careers as doctors, researchers, sales and much more. We’ve collated the best of these here:

1. Get a career mentor

A career mentor will help you stay focused on what you truly want to do without getting sidetracked.

2. Follow your passion

It’s important to be an expert in whatever career you fall in love with. If a certain career gets you excited, you know it better than anyone.

3. Publish your work

Finishing tasks is key to success in your career, especially in healthcare. By finishing a project, you have something to show for it.

4. Set high standards

Setting yourself high standards will keep you going in your career.

5. Don’t plan your entire career in advance

Be open to opportunities. Take risks and don’t have a fixed, preconceived plan that could limit your career.

If you are thinking about a career in Healthcare, careers advice may be useful in helping you work out if this is the right career decision for you. Choosing your career path is one of the most important decisions you will make, so take your time and ask for expert careers advice before you begin your career trajectory. Does Healthcare suit your skills, your qualifications, your career goals? Make sure you find out before you start on your career path.