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Are you too scared to change career?

By 31/01/2018April 19th, 2024Uncategorized

A recent article in a major national newspaper advised that it’s important to take risks and change career to be fulfilled in your career.

It suggested that, although people may on the surface have it all, they may be secretly unhappy with their career but unwilling to make the change to turn their lives around.

Did you just fall into your career? Are you too scared to try to change career? We look at what reasons could be holding you back from a career change.

Are you scared of making the wrong decision?

Making the decision to change career is a scary one. It could, of course, all go wrong – you lose your job security, the relationships you’ve built up for a long time, and your experience in your current career.

Are you too comfortable?

You do your job well, you do it every day and a leap into an unknown future that could ruin the comfort you feel in everyday life. It is a risk to change your career and upset your comfortable routine.

Is your job your identity?

Whatever you classify yourself as – husband, mother, Chelsea supporter, train-spotter, home baker – you will also identify yourself through your career. If you’ve been working for a while this can be a hard facet of your personality to change.

Whatever fears are making you resist taking a different route in your career, you need to weigh these up with your desire for change, especially if you are deeply unhappy with your current career. Talking through your fears and putting in a lot of research can alleviate your insecurities and get you on a path where you’re ready and excited to make a career change.

Try talking to careers advisor in order to map out a plan for your career change. Looking into the reasons behind your unhappiness, your skills and motivations, as well as getting an insight into the depth of careers knowledge that a careers advisor can have, will help you make your decision and allow you to move forward.