As a parent, you are likely to be apprehensive about your child’s exam results
The imminent onset of exam results is a trying time for many families with teenage kids. The pressure on your son or daughter to achieve good results, which will give them the opportunity of getting into a good university and getting a head start in their career, can cause anxiety for both you and them! So, what can you do to relieve the pressure?
Here are our tips:
Get professional careers advice
Getting professional, objective career guidance at this stage for your teenager can be very useful. Our experienced careers advisors – who are all fully qualified Occupational Psychologists – are trained to support and help, even if your child has little or no idea of what career they would like to do.
We also understand that you may need to be involved in your teenager’s career choice, so we also offer Parent and Guardian Extension sessions
In the teenager’s session on their own, they will focus on education choices and careers advice while in the Parents and Guardians extension you can explore the results of their consultation and talk with the career counsellor about their career choice. We find this is the ideal opportunity to talk about career recommendations in a professional and objective way and it really does add value to the careers advice programme.
Keep Calm
Passions run high in teenage years and tempers can flare. You need to realise that your son or daughter can be apprehensive about their abilities and worried about what their future career will hold. Don’t fix on exactly what your child’s career will be, but think about their strengths and weaknesses, and what would be a good fit for their personality and interests. This will help them make a final choice about their further education and career path.
Talk to your son and daughter
Discuss their future with them and keep open the lines of communication.
Try to get them to consider these questions:
- What are my career goals?
- What career path should I follow?
- What career would suit me?
- What do I want to achieve in my career?
- What career am I capable of?
Listen to their replies and try to offer objective careers advice. This can be difficult as naturally you have high hopes for your child. Most teenagers would certainly benefit from talking to a careers advisor – their neutrality frees your child to speak openly and so allows productive discussions about their career path.
If you want to find out more about our careers advice programme of career guidance for teenagers you can read more here.