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Job Quiz

What is a Job Quiz?

A job quiz is another name for a psychometric test. Some call them a job quiz, others a career test or aptitude test. They are designed to help you choose the right career for YOU. In addition, they can help you make the right education choices in order to get you to your ideal career. Our careers advice is based on these psychometric tests.

The job quiz we use at Career Analysts is a scientifically designed, multiple choice psychometric test. It asks a series of questions about your abilities, interests, feelings and behavioural preferences. From this, we come to understand you and what you represent as a human resource. In this way, we can help you figure out what is the best career path for you.

Our Job Quiz is In-Depth

Our job quiz is really detailed. It will take you about 5 hours to complete before you see one of our careers advisors. It is online so you can complete it at home in your own time. You don’t need to do the whole career test in one go. You can break it up into smaller parcels. But it will take about 5 hours in total. Once completed, we can move on to the next stage – meet the careers advisor.

The psychometric test is an important tool for us at Career Analysts. We rely on it to help us to understand you, so we can match you up with the best career for you.

1-on-1 Consultation

Completion of the career test is followed by the important part of the programme. This is your one-on-one consultation with a fully qualified careers advisor. In this, you will talk through the results of the psychometric tests in detail, as well as your personal circumstances, desires and ambitions. It is at this stage that we will address the crucial question ‘what career is right for me?’

We can help whether you are making career choices or education decisions. Whether it’s your first career or a career change.

Ideal Job Quiz

Finding The Right Career For You

In order to help you find the right career for you, the job quiz needs to quantify these important factors: your skills, interests, personality and strengths and weaknesses. When we study the results of the career tests, we begin to understand you and what you represent as a human resource. We use these findings to help you decide on the right career for you.

At Career Analysts we measure these factors using our in-depth psychometric assessment. Then we set the results against the backdrop of your practical circumstances to give you the best possible careers advice for you. Book a place on one of our programmes to help you choose the right career for YOU.

For 60 years our experienced career advisors have provided careers advice to 3 generations of families. Click on our testimonials page and read what our clients have said about us.

Psychometric Tests

These are the important factors you need to consider when choosing the right career for you:

  • Interests – if you can pursue a real interest or passion in your career then you are far more likely to enjoy your work and succeed.
  • Personality – How do you normally respond and behave? What is the right career and the right kind of environment for you to be working in? Where will you fit in and ensure your outlook matches your career?
  • Aptitudes –These are looking at various types of reasoning. What are you relatively good at? Which are your strengths? Which are you not so strong at? Where will your talents be valued in a career and what should you avoid or aim to develop?

To find out more about our careers advice service, contact us on 0800 999 7778.