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Need a career change?

By 18/03/2022April 30th, 2024Uncategorized

Maybe you’re facing a career change because of redundancy, illness or new family commitments. Perhaps you’ve reached the end of a career in the armed forces or sport? Whatever the reason, changing career or finding a new career can be daunting.

Do you know what career is right for you for the next stage of your career? Which career will fit in with your lifestyle? What are you good at? There are many different things to consider, so let’s look at the steps you need to think about before you start.

Understand yourself better

Do you know your strengths and weaknesses? Do you know what sort of person you are and how this relates to success and happiness in your new career? If you are unsure, try using psychometrics to get the answers. If you understand where your skills lie, and what sort of person you are before approaching the job market, you can be more confident in achieving the career change that suits you. Professional careers advice is always a good option. Take a look here:

Know your market

Research your chosen industry or the type of new career you would like. Find out where people are hiring. Networking can yield good results in your career search. Targeting businesses directly is often a good option. Sometimes, offering to work for free for a while works – you can find out more about the job and industry and build up useful contacts!

Update your CV

It may have been a while, but don’t be disheartened by the gaps in your CV. Think about the skills you have gained while out of work, any volunteering or work experience you have done and insert that into your CV, so any potential employers know what you have been up to.

Network Offline and Online

Word of mouth has always been a great way to find out about job opportunities, so get out there and talk to people. Don’t forget social networking too – a profile on LinkedIn and some interaction with groups and online communities will help you get back into ‘work mode’ and learn from others in your industry.

Research and Prepare

When it comes to the covering letter and interview, it will help your confidence to know as much as you can about the company that you are applying to, the job and the sector. Has anything changed since you were last in work? You will look professional, feel confident and be able to answer questions easily if you know as much as you can.