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Careers paths for psychology

By 31/01/2018April 30th, 2024Uncategorized

The best careers advice for a Bachelor of Science in Psychology – a psychology degree – is that in itself it does not qualify you for anything except the right to apply to the British Psychological Society (BPS) for a “graduate basis for recognition” (GBR). The GBR status is the first step towards achieving status as a chartered psychologist so that you can have a career path as a psychologist.

However, before you can become a chartered psychologist you must have a field of specialism, psychology is far too wide a discipline to encompass all career choices in one qualification. There are opportunities to work as a volunteer in many areas in psychology and you should because once you have some experience you have much wider career options.

Which careers are open to a professional psychologist include:

Forensic psychology

Counselling psychology

Sports psychology

Clinical neuropsychology

Human Resources

Teaching and research positions in psychology

Clinical psychology

Occupational Psychology

Health psychology

Educational psychology

Other careers are open to a Psychology graduate

Only about fifteen percent of psychology graduates go on to have a career as a chartered psychologist – the other eighty-five percent works in other careers.

A third of psychology graduates work in childcare, education and health careers. Education goes far beyond schools – it also takes place in hospitals, museums and prisons. Educational psychologists work in schools and in the private sector. To become an educational psychologist, you should begin with the GBR Accreditation.

A fifth of all psychology graduates work in the “other” section – careers in all other unnamed sectors. The administrative and management career path employs about 12 percent of all psychology graduates. Community and social worker career paths take up a tenth of those. Social care careers aim to help people overcome difficulties related to physical, mental, environmental or lifestyle problems at any stage in their lives. This work may be in an educational or counselling capacity. It utilises staff in professional careers that assist the vulnerable in both residential care and the community. Ten percent follow a career path in the business finance and IT sector.