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Career Development

Career Development

Every few years it’s important to reflect on how your career is advancing. You have to keep working on your career development. It doesn’t happen by chance. A planned programme of career counselling at Career Analysts can ensure that your career is progressing in the way you want it to.

The workplace today is increasingly uncertain. So you need to be fully confident in your abilities and the direction of your career path. You need to continuously develop your skills and relationships in order to stay at your best. At Career Analysts, your personal career advisor will work with you to devise a strategy for your career development goals. After that, they will coach you to help you achieve those goals.

Careers Advice with Psychometrics

Our career development programme involves in depth career tests to analyse your strengths and weaknesses. Then, our career coaching programme will hone in on the areas that are holding you back. This might include areas such as leadership or man-management. Or identifying new career paths or employers to approach; promotions to target or even branching out in business on your own!

If it’s time to review your career options, you will certainly benefit from meeting a highly experienced careers advisor at Career Analysts. They can highlight your opportunities and show how a new insight can revitalise your passion for your career. In the same way, they can reveal whether a different organisation, or a new role, is the right move for you at this stage.

Your Career Advisor can Help Advance your Career Development Strategy

Ask Yourself These Questions:

  • Is the organisation I am working for the right size and culture for me?
  • Am I progressing as I think I should in my career – if not, how can I accelerate this?
  • Should I re-train or update my qualifications?
  • Am I making the most of my talents, abilities, experience and qualifications?
  • Are there fields such as leadership skills that are restricting my progress?
  • Is stress holding me back?
  • Is anger or resentment an issue for me?

Your careers advisor will help you understand where you are now in your career and clarify your goals. As a result, you will discover how to move forward to the next stage and accelerate your career development. We will explore your personal and career history to date, your practical circumstances now, and your aspirations for your future career.

For more about Career Development

Book a place here on one of our careers advice programmes to help you identify the right career path for you. Certainly, you will benefit from careers advice from your personal career advisor.

If you already know what career is right for you and need help in marketing yourself effectively, just click here: Getting the job

Or, if you want to remain in your present career, but want to stay on top of your game click here: Career Coaching

To find out more about our career development service, contact us on 0800 999 7778. Or register for our programmes here.