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Leo Soloman

Careers Advisors help you Advance your Career

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Careers advice from a professional careers advisor will help you move on to the next stage of your career.

Has your career stressed you out to the point of burn out, or are you bored because you do not face enough challenges? These are perfectly sound motives to consider a career change, but it is hard to know what career to choose.

If you have become bored with your career after spending some years doing the same thing, you may benefit from using a professional careers advisor. Maybe your values or circumstances have changed to the point that you want to embark on a different career. Career counselling holds the answer.

Careers advice takes different forms. If you need help in deciding what would be the best career for you, then a careers advisor can assess your strengths and weaknesses, your interests and personality using psychometric tests, and advise you what career would suit you best.

On the other hand, If you already know what career you want to do, careers advice can help you get there; helping you with your CV, finding the right job or with interview techniques training.

Or perhaps you are not ready to move jobs yet. Career counselling can help you understand yourself better and improve your prospects inhouse.

Planning your next career move should be strategic. You need to figure out where you want to be and then plan the route to get there. This is where a good careers advisor is worth their weight in gold. They know what careers there are out there and which would suit you best. They are highly trained in defining the route to get you there.

It is wise to invest in a professional careers advisor to prepare yourself for a new career. Directing your career path with expert careers advice is much more likely to result in the attainment of your career goals. Whether you are looking to increase your salary or get more satisfaction in your career with an enhanced work-life balance, it all depends on discovering the career that’s well-matched with you.

Normally, it is rash to walk out of your career unless you know where you are going next. Getting a new career is much easier when you are already in work. You can spare yourself the worry.

Consider that a new career may not be the answer, maybe all you need is a new challenge. Talk to your immediate manager to let them know you are willing to take on additional responsibilities or a more demanding role. Often people are promoted to a position with many duties they are already doing. Your personal career goals are important, so good bosses will make every effort to accommodate your career needs. However, don’t jeopardise your present position; Don’t let it be known that you are fed up with your current role, but do make the right people understand that you are ready for advancement in your career.

A total career change is a radical step, so do consult a professional careers advisor to help you with the process. The cost of good careers advice will be amply repaid in the years ahead.

How to Change Careers at 30 or 40

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Are you unhappy in your current career? Do you feel like you missed your true calling? It’s always possible to make a change. The National Careers Service quoted that many people switch careers in their 30s or 40s and find greater happiness and fulfilment in their new path. But deciding to change careers can be daunting, especially if you’ve been in your current field for a long time.

Changing careers at 30 or 40 is not just a midlife crisis; it’s an opportunity to reinvent yourself, pursue your passions, and carve out a more fulfilling career path. It may require some courage, dedication, and re-skilling. Still, the right mindset and approach can lead to greater happiness and success in the long run.

Here are some tips on how to change careers at 30 or 40.

1. Assess Your Skills and Interests

Before you can start looking for a new career, you need to figure out what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing. Review your skills and experiences and consider what you like and dislike about your current job. Consider taking a career assessment test to help you identify your strengths and suggest potential career paths.

2. Research Potential Careers

Once you’ve identified your skills and interests, start researching potential careers that align with them. Look for job postings and descriptions to get a sense of what the work entails and what kind of qualifications are required. Talk to people who work in the field to get a sense of the day-to-day reality of the job. You can also look for informational interviews or job shadowing opportunities to look at the work firsthand.

3. Consider Your Education and Training

Switching to a new field may require additional education or training to qualify for jobs. Look into degree programs, certifications, or training programs that can help you acquire the skills you need. Remember that returning to school can be expensive and time-consuming, so weigh the costs and benefits carefully.

4. Network and Build Relationships

Networking is a vital part of any job search and is especially important when changing careers at 30 or 40. Reach out to people in your desired field and ask if they’d be willing to meet for coffee or chat on the phone. Attend industry events and conferences to meet new people and learn more about the field. Building relationships with people in your target industry can help you learn about job openings and make valuable connections.

5. Update Your Resume and Cover Letter

When applying for jobs in a new field, you must tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant skills and experiences. Focus on transferable skills pertinent to your desired area and use industry-specific jargon where appropriate. Remember to emphasise your motivation for changing careers and your passion for the new field.

6. Be Patient and Persistent

Be prepared for a potentially lengthy job search; changing careers can take time, so b. Stay encouraged if you don’t get hired immediately and be bold and take on temporary or freelance work to build your skills and gain experience. Stay persistent in your job search, be proactive and follow up with potential employers.

It’s Never Too Late to Change Your Career With Career Analysts

Changing careers at 30 or 40 can be a scary and exciting prospect. Pursuing your passions and finding a career that makes you happy is always possible. You can make a successful career change by assessing your skills and interests, researching potential careers, building relationships, and staying persistent.

Career Analysts offers career change coaching services to help you navigate the process and find your ideal career path. Our experienced career coaches can guide you through the steps needed to transition into a new field successfully. From identifying your transferable skills to developing a job search strategy, we’ll be with you every step of the way.

Contact us today and unlock your full potential. Don’t wait – sign up for our career coaching programs now and start realigning your goals!

Careers in retail in changing economic times

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Learning how to build and maintain career security in uncertain economic times is a task many of us will have to perfect. Certainly, credit crunches have historically affected career security.

Building career security is a crucial step for all employees. The retail industry employs a large workforce; the shelf stacker, the cashier and the shop assistant front it. However, its back end includes an army of managers, buyers, accountants, and human resource professionals, who often train in retail as a steppingstone to other industries. If you do want to move from the retail sector into a more secure role, professional careers advice can point you in the right direction.

Unfortunately, the retail industry bends to consumer and economic trends. A credit crunch affects credit and lack of credit indirectly affects a family’s disposable income. Inflation and higher food prices have not helped that trend. Although people still have to eat, they do not have to have new fashion accessories. Many households in the UK will have to prioritise their needs when it comes to spending.

Retailers in the last ten years have had to pare down their profits to maintain sustainability in sales. Internet sales now account for 10 times the volume of 10 years ago (25% as opposed to 2.5% then). The creation of better online security and more interactive websites will ensure that the volume of online shopping increases.

However, while being able to purchase your weekly shop online may be labour and timesaving, it may not provide the same ‘retail therapy’; the thrill of seeing an object and having to have it, and the gratification of treating oneself! People love to window shop, and many would not dream of risking purchasing an outfit they had not first tried on, or a piece of fruit they had not first felt and smelt.

There will no doubt always be successful retailers and they will continue to adapt to changing economic times and work patterns. Employers are being forced to tackle life-work balance issues that will improve retail career working conditions in an industry long dogged by overwork and underpay at lower levels. While many stores now offer self-serve facilities, retailers will still have to employ increasing numbers of staff to expand their empires; Britain may well remain a nation of shopkeepers for a while longer!

4 Step Career Planning

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Getting careers advice will help you understand what career is right for you.

Our careers advice programme is good for you whether you are:

  • still at school and need help with A level and degree choices
  • a school leaver
  • a recent graduate
  • in your twenties and think you have made the wrong career choice
  • an adult changing your job or career

The careers advice programme involves

  • measuring your interests, personality, values, skills and preferences using psychometric tests
  • exploring the career and learning options available to you
  • ensuring that your chosen career path fits with your personal circumstances

Our careers advice process has four steps:

Step 1: using psychometric questionnaires to measure the important factors that lead to success and happiness in your career

Step 2: analysis of those results to understand who you are and what you represent as a human resource
Step 3: consultation with a fully qualified careers advisor to help you make the right decisions for you 
Step 4: producing a written report to advise you on the best action for you to take at this stage of your career

Whether you have just left school, finished study or are changing career, you can use this career report to map out a step-by-step approach to your new career path.

Is there such a thing as a career for life?

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As our retirement age recedes and no career is safe from the threat of redundancy, you can no longer rely on a job for life?

This is a view that is hard to disagree with – as less than one in twelve professionals in the UK expect to stay in one job for their whole careers.

According to recruiter Hyphen, more than a quarter of young workers (aged 16-34) say they want to change careers between eight and twelve times during their working lives. And although older workers tend to show more loyalty to employers, they struggle with looking for a new career if their employer does not reciprocate that loyalty.

The unpredictability of the current economic climate, as well as the speed of change and increased mobility of workers, means that most should expect to change careers numerous times in their working life.

This isn’t just restricted to external forces. People themselves can feel the need to change career if they are not satisfied in their current roles. Our motivations and interests change over time; with much more flexibility now available for those who wish to build their own business or return to work after having a family.

So how can you prepare for the seemingly inevitable? Are there ways you can adapt your current career to conquer any boredom or the feeling of not progressing?

At Career Analysts, we work with thousand of people to help them develop their career or find the ideal career change for them.

As we move beyond our first jobs, into our thirties and beyond, our lifestyle and priorities change – does your career still motivate you and reflect your ambitions? We can help you re-evaluate who you are, what drives you and how your career can help you accomplish your dreams.

This means assessing your current situation and considering your options. By understanding who you are – your motivations and personality, your abilities, interests and values – through a unique combination of psychometric testing and a one-on-one consultation with one of our highly experienced careers advisors, we can devise a realistic plan for your future.

There’s no need to fear a career change, so embrace the possibilities that occur when you stop looking for that one job for life!

Self employment is masking the decline of jobs

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New analysis by the independent thinktank The Resolution Foundation, reported by the Times, claims that traditional employee jobs are declining or flatlining across the country, and the true effect is being masked by the rise in self-employment.

The research shows that the total number of employed jobs fell in nine of 12 British regions between 2015 and 2022, ranging from a drop of 144,000 posts in Scotland, to a fall of 26,000 in the east Midlands. The numbers of employee jobs in the south-east (-1,000) and eastern region (+4,000) remained virtually static, while in London, uniquely, 246,000 were created.

The number of self-employed people rose by 112,000 in the south-east, by 76,000 in London, by 63,000 in the east and by 66,000 in the west Midlands. There were 54,000 additional self-employed posts in the south-west and 46,000 in the east Midlands.

These newly created self-employed jobs were sufficient to offset the loss of employed jobs, and this has contributed to an increase in the numbers in work in other regions over the 2010 baseline.

Additional research has also shown that self employment weekly wages have decreased at a much bigger percentage than employed jobs. While weekly wages for employees have fallen 6% since 2007, typical self-employed pay has decreased by 20% in the same time period. The typical self-employed person is now being paid 40% less than the average employee.

This move into self-employment can be for personal reasons, but some state a lack of other options for the move. There is also worrying analysis that this move can be putting even more financial pressure on homes across the UK. 

The Times quotes labour market economist and former Bank of England rate-setter, David Blanchflower “Self-employment is often the last resort of the desperate… Such workers operate under considerable strain, worried about where their income is coming from. They are sometimes forced to finance themselves by borrowing against their home, exposing their families to the same financial uncertainty that attaches to their job.”

More than a third of office workers work longer

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More than a third of office workers deliberately spend longer hours in the office than needed in a bid to impress their manager, a new poll has revealed. However, this extra work does not increase productivity and can end up having a detrimental effect on home life.

The research, by, found that 39% of workers regularly stayed late or arrived early during the last year, in a bid to seem more dedicated to their job than their colleagues. Over a quarter (26%) said they consistently worked longer days than were actually needed to do their job effectively.

Employees are filling their time browsing the internet, emailing friends, filing and doing menial, non-urgent tasks such as organising their calendar. They are more likely to stay longer at work when a new boss had been appointed, a pay review was imminent or redundancies were expected.

Those employees working extended hours were found to be committing between an hour and two hours extra a day, adding a minimum of half a day extra to their working week, solely to impress others.

A spokesman from says the ‘faking it’ office phenomenon has poor long-term implications for both the employee and their employer. For workers, it’s better to find a new career which they really love, rather than pretending to enjoy the career they already have.

He said: “The general consensus is that many workers across the country are putting in longer office hours than ever before. What our research has found however is that many are doing it in a bid to improve their office image and win favour, rather than because their workload demands it.

“People are sitting idle in their office in a bid to stand out from the colleagues and impress their bosses. This means a poorer work life balance and ultimately no productivity gains for the firm – just increasingly tired workers – which benefits nobody.

“It was also interesting to note that workers were planning when to put in the longer hours, choosing to spend more time in the office when a pay rise, redundancy or new appointment was on the horizon.”

Over the longer term, careers could be at risk with this strategy however, as management become aware of this tactic and crack down on unproductive tasks in the workplace.

Part time management level careers

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More than 6 million people in the UK now choose to work part time in their career. A flexible, yet high-earning role is much easier to achieve these days.

Overturning traditional employment concepts, CEO’s, senior lawyers, directors of finance and others are choosing to go part time. It is becoming more normal for senior management to expect flexibility. Although often the extent of that flexibility is not publicised to their colleagues or outside the organisation.

Flexible working for mums has been evident in the economy for many years. But the shift in working patterns is not just working mums these days. Karen Mattison MBE, the founder of Timewise, a recruitment service specialising in part-time skilled jobs, says: “More than a third of our candidates are not mothers, and that figure is growing. Many are fathers, high-earning individuals who can survive comfortably with a reduction in salary”.

“Having children is just one of the reasons people may decide to work part-time. Some want to found their own business, go freelance, or need time to care for elderly relatives. For some, it is a lifestyle choice,” says Ms Mattison. “People are willing to forego the extra 25 per cent of salary. They would prefer to enjoy the time.”

The Covid 19 pandemic has also had an effect. Senior workers have been asked to go part time by employers trying to reduce costs. This has made it easier for these workers to make the change they were already considering. And it has allowed businesses to reap the benefits of cost reductions.

Ms Mattison expands: “It enables employers to retain their senior staff in tough times. Growing or cost-cutting businesses can still access high-level talent on a part-time basis, which otherwise would be unaffordable.”

However, those part-timers might prefer that their colleagues do not know their situation. According to a recent study, around a third would not use the word “part-time” to describe their work and 15% prefer to let their fellow workers believe that they are still full time, working from home. Employees can feel that they are not taken as seriously as full-timers and that this has negative connotations. The suggestion of ‘part time’ can mean that clients feel that their needs aren’t being met 24/7.

But times are changing, and businesses are seeing the benefits of part time roles, particularly in senior positions. This creates opportunities for some to pursue a complete career change or go freelance. They can reflect on their lifestyle and work/life balance or mentor young ones and school leavers. At the same time, they can allow the businesses to benefit from their knowledge and experience whilst reducing costs.

What career is right for you

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Are you thinking about finding a new career? Here are some tips on how to market yourself effectively to employers.

Look at your motivations

The first and most important question to ask yourself is ‘what is the best career for me?’. What makes you happy? What are you interested in? It sometimes feels like an impossible task to pin down what it is you want to do, or what career is right for you. But if you can answer this question, you are far more likely to be happy and succeed in your career.

If you can’t do this by yourself, then go to a careers advice service for help. Careers Analysts’ trained career counsellors are experts in helping you uncover what career is perfect for you.

Create a plan

Once you have figured out the best career for you, make a plan of action. Write down your career plan in detail. Actions, timescales and other notes will help you focus, as well as giving you that feeling of satisfaction when you begin to tick things off your list!

Identify options, define your goals and develop your plan as you go along. This will help you feel in control of your job search. You will focus on your tasks better and give yourself a head start over less organised candidates!

Revise your CV

You might think your CV is fine, but the job market has changed and less and less time is given to looking over CVs. Yours needs to stand out from the crowd, and contain all the relevant information in a clear, structured way.

Waffle, spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and irrelevant information are all ways that may cause your CV to be passed over without a second thought. Make sure you are giving yourself the best possible chance of an interview by tailoring your CV to each role, and ask others for their feedback. If you can find a friend that regularly recruits, or works within your chosen industry, even better!

Market yourself

If you do need help with marketing yourself, Career Analysts has an approach that helps you focus on tasks to get you in front of the right people, at the right company.

The plan involves planning, preparing, launching and monitoring your campaign, including:

  • Writing your CV and covering letters
  • Identifying opportunities and applying for them in the right manner
  • Preparing you for success at the interview stage

It’s a great way to focus and refresh your job search. Good luck!

To find out more, click here

How can a gap year help your career?

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Taking a gap year between A-Levels and university, or travelling the world after you graduate, can have a positive effect on your future career.  Whether you travel through Europe, volunteer in Africa, Asia or South America, or pick up work experience back home, you can gain some real skills and great experience from this precious time.

Even if you are not sure what career is right for you yet, there are still a number of advantages you can get from the experience. You can:

Gain new skills

Whether it’s a new language, organisation skills or an insight into different cultures, the abilities you pick up along the way can enhance your future employability. Even the planning you undertake before you set out on your gap year shows resourcefulness that employers can appreciate.

Try out different roles

If you don’t know what you’d like from your future career, a gap year is a great time to experience different industries. Volunteering to work in different sectors, even for a short time, can help you gain perspective into what your future career could be like.

Find out more about yourself

Finding what career is best for you comes from knowing who you really are – your goals, motivations, strengths and preferences. This is the perfect time to explore what makes you tick. Push yourself to try new things, make new friends and explore. This will help you feel more attuned to who you are, and what career would suit you.

Gain work experience

If you already have a clear plan for your career, this is an ideal time to approach companies within your chosen field to undertake work experience or internships. The experience you gain now will be invaluable, not only in the knowledge that you acquire, but in the contacts that you make.

Think about your CV

While planning your trip or work experience, think ahead about your CV. As you progress through your gap year, take notes on the lessons and skills you have learned. You may not even know what you want to do yet but having a great CV that makes the most of your gap year is a great start!