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4 Step Career Planning

By 17/10/2022April 19th, 2024Uncategorized

Getting careers advice will help you understand what career is right for you.

Our careers advice programme is good for you whether you are:

  • still at school and need help with A level and degree choices
  • a school leaver
  • a recent graduate
  • in your twenties and think you have made the wrong career choice
  • an adult changing your job or career

The careers advice programme involves

  • measuring your interests, personality, values, skills and preferences using psychometric tests
  • exploring the career and learning options available to you
  • ensuring that your chosen career path fits with your personal circumstances

Our careers advice process has four steps:

Step 1: using psychometric questionnaires to measure the important factors that lead to success and happiness in your career

Step 2: analysis of those results to understand who you are and what you represent as a human resource
Step 3: consultation with a fully qualified careers advisor to help you make the right decisions for you 
Step 4: producing a written report to advise you on the best action for you to take at this stage of your career

Whether you have just left school, finished study or are changing career, you can use this career report to map out a step-by-step approach to your new career path.