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22 Ways to look for a new career

By 31/01/2018April 19th, 2024Uncategorized

Ways to look for a new career

Do you want a new career? Here are ways to begin re-examining your career path and breathe new life into your career.

Look at your motivations

What career would make you happy? What do you want to do for a career? Sometimes it feels like an impossible task to pin down what it is you want to do for a career, or what career would keep you interested. How can you know which aspects of your personality draw you towards success in one career and less likely to succeed in another career path?

Your strengths, weaknesses and motivations all have a major impact on career choice. Others will always have an outside view on what career is right for you, but what is that based on? What career you should be aiming for needs to be based on something more scientific than that.

Targeted careers advice will help. Career Analysts trained career counselors are experts combining career sector knowledge with career profiling and assessment techniques (psychometric tests) to ensure that you get the most comprehensive careers advice to suit you.

Create a career plan

Having taken career advice, write down actions, timescales and other notes to help you focus. It will give you that feeling of satisfaction when you begin to tick things off your list!

Identify career options and define your career goals to help you feel in control of your career plan. Focus on your career plan to give yourself a head start over less organised candidates!

Revise your CV

You might think your CV is fine, but the job market has changed and less and less time is given to looking over CVs. They need to stand out, and contain maximum relevant information in a clear, structured way.

Waffle, spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and irrelevant information are all ways that may cause your CV to be passed over without a second thought. Make sure you are giving yourself the best possible chance of an interview by tailoring your CV to each career role, and ask others for their feedback. If you can find a friend that regularly recruits, or works within your chosen career path, even better!

Market yourself

Career Analysts works with people at an individual, flexible level to help them market themselves for their chosen careers. It’s a great approach that helps you focus on tasks, and getting yourself in front of the right people; at the right company.

The plan involves planning, preparing, launching and monitoring the career campaign, including:

  • Setting objectives and tasks to get you into your chosen career
  • Identifying the various routes into the job market
  • Writing a great CV
  • Interview techniques training
  • And more
  • It’s a great way to focus on your career and refresh your job search. Good luck!