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May 2022

Career psychometric tests

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A good independent careers advisor will tell you that there are a number of important factors to consider when you come to choose the right career and a fully qualified career change advisor will understand the value of using psychometric tests to unearth your real talents.

The first factor to consider is to find a career that you are really interested in or passionate about. If you can do that you are much more likely to enjoy your career and succeed at it.

Next is to find a career that suits your personality – something that presses the right buttons in your heart and provides the perfect environment for you to be working in.

Then, you want a career that is in line with your values and beliefs. Some people want to work in a career that supports the cause they believe in – others need to avoid certain careers that would be against their principles.

But perhaps the most important factor of all is that you need to play to your strengths. You need to know what your strengths and weaknesses are so that you can harness them to realise the real potential in your ideal career. This is where career aptitude tests come in.

Career aptitude tests are cleverly designed to unearth your abilities. You can imagine that certain career paths prize certain abilities. If numbers are not a strength, don’t aspire to be an accountant. If your verbal reasoning is not good, don’t try to become a lawyer. If your spatial visualisation isn’t good, don’t aim for architecture.

If you are looking for career change advice in London, you should try Career Analysts. They are a firm of career change advisors, who conduct career aptitude tests as well as all the other psychometric tests listed above.

The psychometric tests are completed by you at home first. They will take you about 5 hours to complete as there are hundreds of questions. Additionally, they will ask you for lots of information about your background, education, what work you have done so far, if any, and some other personal information.

Once you have completed all the psychometrics and the career aptitude tests, you will meet one of their Occupational Psychologists face-to-face, one-on-one, and she will show you the results of the psychometric tests and explain what they mean to you. She will also have done her research into suitable careers for you so that you can discuss those options directly with her, aiming to help you decide what career path is right for you for the next (or first) stage of your career.

The results of the psychometric tests are shown in the form of graphs.

For example, the personality graph is a bipolar graph. One characteristic measuring your self-discipline shows ‘tolerates disorder, unexacting, flexible’ at one end of the spectrum. The other extreme shows as ‘perfectionist, organised, self-disciplined’. Different personality traits – each with opposites – are measured in this way.

The values graph measures your preferences for Aesthetic, Social, Material, Influence, Rational, and Beliefs as forces that motivate you.

The career aptitude tests measure numerical, verbal and perceptual reasoning, logic, mechanical understanding and spatial visualisation. It is not your overall level of success in these tests that is important but which of them you are better at than the others.

The interest questionnaire measures your preferences for six major categories of career and each one of these is further subdivided into five more specific groups.

In the consultation, you will discuss career paths that the Occupational Psychologist believes may be suitable and practical for you, based on the results of the psychometric tests. As you talk them through, you will be able to eliminate those that don’t appeal to you or are not suitable for whatever reason, until you are left with a very small number of career options that you can investigate further and make a final career decision.

The aim of their programme is to narrow down your career options and arm you with sufficient knowledge to confidently make the right career decision. Many people keep their personal career report for a lifetime so that it becomes a point of reference for years to come.

What career is right for Mature Students

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The Ucas website has a dedicated section for mature students. There are many reasons for mature students studying, but most define their objectives as either to improve their career prospects or because they are passionately interested in a subject. If it is to improve career prospects, then you must ensure that you know which career is right for you. To do that, get professional careers advice using psychometric tests.

Most universities and higher education institutions are interested in widening participation and that means encouraging more mature students.

Statistically, mature students are more likely to knuckle down and enjoy their subjects because they are, by definition, mature and more responsible, and studying by choice rather than because it is expected of them. Many have worked previously and understand the frustrations stemming from dead end jobs due to lack of formal educational qualifications. A complete change of career is now the best option for them.

Ucas offers guidance about choosing careers and courses. Once you have selected the right career, choosing the right course becomes obvious. A good place to start is your local library. The Open University prospectus offers advice about every subject. Ucas also covers the entry routes offered to students and a lack of qualifications does not necessarily disbar you.

Degrees have changed over the years, and it is possible to combine very diverse subjects to attain an open degree, rather than being confined to a core subject. However, before embarking on this type of degree, it is important that you have careers advice to ensure that you are not limiting your future career choices.

Additional information is often available from universities and colleges directly. Widening participation is a key goal and institutions try to support a wide range of students through their own advice centres and student unions.

Top universities were often perceived to be those high in league tables. But if you study these tables, it becomes obvious that different league tables rate universities using different criteria. In other words, they give a different weighting to different aspects of university life. Some universities have an impressive teaching reputation whilst others value research. Some are rated particularly highly for certain disciplines. Some may afford a higher standard of university accommodation, whilst others may have excellent sports facilities. Location is a factor to consider too. Only by thoroughly researching the tables can you identify which is best for you.

One of the benefits of being a more mature student is that you may be clearer about what is important in your life, enabling you to identify your top choice university, and a path of study leading to a fulfilling career or personal development goal.

Careers Advice for those in their 20’s

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Your twenties are an ideal time to get great careers advice. You are not as naïve as your teenage years, but you’ve still got the majority of your life ahead of you.

Seeing a good careers advisor in your twenties will give you the careers advice you need to find the right career for you.

If you’re unsure about the career you’re already in, there are some questions that need to be answered. Have you picked the right career path? How does it match your goals, your skills and your qualifications? Is there any further training or education you can do that will help you to progress on to your perfect career, or will a lack of them restrain you as others advance up the career ladder?

Our programme of careers advice for those in their 20’s will take stock of what has happened to you so far, review your progress to date and create a clear career plan for your future. For the next decades of your working life, you need to know you’re on the best career path for you.

The aim of the career advice for 20’s programme is to deliver life-changing careers advice to help you choose the right career for you. We will assess your career options, appraise your development so far, evaluate your situation as it stands and then formulate a realistic strategy for the next stage of your career.

The programme starts with a suite of psychometric tests and is then followed by a face-to-face discussion with an experienced and qualified Occupational Psychologist. At this time, any difficulties or misgivings need to be seriously analysed and rectified so that you can pave the way for solid foundations for your future career.

The end product of our careers advice for 20’s programme is that you will find renewed self-confidence and the resolve that comes with understanding where and who you are. You can then look forward to a new career with your own unique career plan.